Dr 'Mark Sircus': 'Cancer' - Part 3

1 year ago

Second thing to do when you have cancer is to provide your body with all the minerals it needs to really strengthen one's immune system and other bodily functions.

You just received your cancer diagnosis, you've listened to the first video, the second video of yesterday was on increasing your oxygen and carbon dioxide levels through slow breathing and sodium bicarbonate and good idea, potassium bicarbonate. Today we talk about the next thing to do before you run to your oncologist. Before you panic, again taking care of the basics for sure you don't want to get blindingly drunk and repress your immune system that way. What you want to do is, maybe we think very simply, like a plant. If you feed plants within certain minerals they grown strong. Give them carbon dioxide and a lot of minerals that grow very strong and fast. We are not so different from plants. So, the next step is to cover the minerals that you need. Cancer blossoms in conditions of low magnesium, low iodine, low selenium. So we are going to star really strengthening our body and ourselves and our immune system by flooding the body with magnesium. We can do that in several different ways. You can take magnesium and bicarbonate baths, can have magnesium massages every day covering your whole body with this product called magnesium oil, which is incredibly pure if you get the right one and just put all over your body and go out in the sun or wait in the house and take a shower in half hour or better yet, have somebody to give you a massage. Someone of your loved ones or a professional. I used to get magnesium massages every day and I think that's how I survived my stress. Take magnesium orally. You can take in many different forms. I take magnesium chloride orally, in tablet form, I just spray the magnesium oil, and I take different other magnesium products to make sure I get plenty, plenty of magnesium. Unless you have kidney failure and your kidney´s can´t clear the magnesium, you can´t take enough, too much magnesium.
Iodine. Iodine is very important for cancer patients whether to avoid, prevent it or treat it. Taking iodine in high dosages, minimum 25 milligrams a day to 50 milligrams to a hundred milligrams and we´re still at low dosages. Iodine kills everything that doesn't belong basically you can paint on the skin for skin cancer. Take it orally in water. The trick though is if you have never take Iodine before as you star out very slowly, day by day, starting with one drop, then two, three, four , five drops a day depending on which Iodine you're using. And then you need to calculate and just keep going up. By word, sensitive people have issues with Iodine, so if you flood the body initially with a lot of Iodine you create a detox effect in the thyroid and all the mercury and fluoride and other garbage, bromide leave the thyroid and make you pretty sick. So, start slow but you want really to take iodine. It´ll kill the viruses , bacteria, fungus which is of course a few causes of cancer. Infections cause cancer. Late stage cancer is always accompanied by late stage infections, especially fungus infections Iodine helps. Also makes you stronger, also makes your immune system stronger. Just cancer patients don't´think twice.
Selenium. You want to take a really good selenium. My selected product is a special selenium which is chemically bonded to a lipid, so you can take a lot of it, very safely. I used to start people on 20 drops of this product called tung oil. Now a little bit more conservative, it starts with 10. Each drop is a milligram which is five to twenty times more than any other product, but this one is safe.
Sulfur. You can even want to take the sulfur MSM. I like to take it in tablet form because putting the crystals in juice and things like that, I never like that, but very important, sulfur.
We've covered the bicarbonate. There is a product that I recommend for bicarbonate which is pH adjust which has not only sodium bicarbonate but it has potassium bicarbonate so, potassium is very important and more magnesium. So, just repeating: you´re a going to flood the body with magnesium, take the exact the right amount of bicarbonate, including potassium bicarbonate. You want to flood the body with Iodine, with selenium and sulfur. You´re going to make yourself much stronger. A stronger you is going to deal much better with cancer.

Source: https://youtu.be/qBu45cixSIc?si=b4mTwCtZIxG7J-6I

Winning the War on Cancer https://amzn.to/42Oqbin

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