Unforgettable Events On This Date February 20 in History

4 months ago

Discover unforgettable events that have taken place on this date, February 20, in history. From monumental battles to historic inventions, learn about the significant moments that have shaped our world.

You'll be amazed at the number of important events that have taken place on February 20th throughout history. From the rise and fall of empires to groundbreaking scientific discoveries, this date has seen it all. Take a trip through time with us in this video, as we explore the fascinating events that have occurred on February 20th.
1725 10 sleeping Indians scalped by whites in New Hampshire for £100 a scalp bounty
1768 1st American chartered fire insurance company opens in Pennsylvania
1792 US postal service created, postage 6-12 cents depending on distance
1809 US Supreme Court rules federal government power greater than any state
1839 Congress prohibits dueling in District of Columbia
1861 Navy of the Confederate States (CSN) forms (US Civil War)
1865 Massachusetts Institute of Technology forms 1st US collegiate architectural school
1869 Tennessee Governor W C Brownlow declares martial law in K* K* K— crisis
1872 Hydraulic electric elevator patented by Cyrus Baldwin
1872 Luther Crowell patents a machine that manufactures paper bags
1872 New York's Metropolitan Museum of Art opens
1872 Silas Noble & JP Cooley patents toothpick manufacturing machine
1895 Congress authorizes a US mint at Denver, Colorado
1909 The Hudson Motor Car Company is founded in Detroit, Michigan by retail titan Joseph L. Hudson and other investors
1929 Boston Red Sox announce they will play Sunday MLB games at Braves Field; Fenway Park located too close to a church
1933 US House of Representatives completes congressional action to repeal Prohibition
1935 Dane Caroline Mikkelson is 1st woman to land on Antarctica
1937 1st automobile/airplane combination tested, Santa Monica, California
1941 1st transport of Jews to concentration camps leave Plonsk Poland
1943 American movie studio executives agree to allow the Office of War Information to censor movies.
1953 US Court of Appeals rules that Organized Baseball is a sport & not a business, affirming the 25-year-old Supreme Court ruling
1959 Jimi Hendrix (16), rock and roll guitarist, plays his first gig in the Temple De Hirsch synagogue basement, Seattle; fired from the band after the 1st set due to "wild" playing
1962 John Glenn becomes the 1st American to orbit the Earth, aboard Friendship 7
1965 Ranger 8 makes hard landing on the Moon, returns photos, other data
1971 National Emergency Center erroneously orders US radio & TV stations to go off the air. Mistake wasn't resolved for 30 minutes
1992 Ross Perot says he'll run for president on "Larry King Live”
2012 South Korea angers North Korea as it proceeds with live fire drills in disputed Korean sea borders
2016 Jeb Bush suspends his presidential campaign
2020 Trump associate Roger Stone sentenced to 40 months imprisonment for obstructing a congressional investigation
2021 US President Joe Biden declares a major disaster in Texas as state struggles to cope with aftermath of a crippling winter storm

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