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His Glory TV - Julie Green joins His Glory - Take FiVe - Feb 14 2024 - Captions
Let's get to Julie green, Julie, it's Wednesday. It's a Wednesday and I love Wednesdays and I'm so excited about today's show. The Lord has given me so many prophecies. I actually just came back from Tulsa and it was just boom, boom, boom, boom, boom, while I was there. And one of them is going to blow a lot of people away and I was mentioning it this morning on my show because I told people we need to start praying.
God is, is giving us insight on what they're going to p lan to do before the election and just in case after the election, if Presi dent Trump gets in. They have things to actually take him down a person that specifically that they want to do t hat with. So I am going to share it. I'm not going to name the person because the Lord didn't give me his name, this person's name.
But I have a feeling a lot of people will know who I'm talking about when I say it. All right. So before you get into that last week, you talked about the big fish. Yep, I got 3 text messages from 3 generals from 3 different countries and they gave me the big fish out. Did I share that who they were with you yet?
No, you just told me there was at that point when you text me, you said there was a, I talked to a general. He knows who the big fish is. And I was, I started, you know, we were rejoicing. Let's just say I was on the road and I was really excited. They, they, the 3 different generals from 3 different countries literally, two out of the three gave me the big fish. So stay tuned. I don't think I ever heard of the guy's names before. So that's, you know, how they do that. They, even Obama who was running things for Biden, he's truly still a puppet. That the, the, the, the big fish are behind the scenes that you never see. The other thing I was going to tell you, Oh, I was going to tell you before we started is I just got some information on Google.
Google has got some strange terms coming out on their all their platforms about a disruptive something big is going to happen in the end of February, March timeframe. So there's speculation that it could be a crash. I also heard that. If, if the market crash does happen, that the good guys are going to be in control of this crash, we may be down for a week.
So don't panic, but just make sure you've got extra, extra food to get through a week, extra cash to get through a week, but two people I talked to the last couple of days, believe it won't be longer than a week. And when that, when that event happens, some event of that magnitude will happen. We just have to rejoice and trust God.
There's a lot of prophecies about Google. Just telling you. So, I mean, there's a lot, there's so much going on, but I have so many prophecies that are being fulfilled right now that I'm trying to keep them all straight. I had my CEO and my assistant, we were working on it really hard before we got on here.
Just the, just the 25th amendment prophecies alone, and that's not even the cognitive functionality. Remember, a guy's been talking to me through, through me about this for a long time. I've been talking about this for at least two years, that his cognitive ability and functionality was going to start being questioned by not only like people like Fox was being questioned by everybody.
And that was a sign of his fall. But first before that cognitive functionality problem, it was going to be Hunter. So you have all these things that are culminate all at one time and last week was, it was a massive, massive problem for the left and for them trying to hide Biden and what's really going wrong with him.
So they didn't obviously, which we know they weren't going to press charges because it's Biden, but how they excuse it away was that he was a frail old man who had memory problems. Who could stand trial, a frail man who cannot stand trial, but can stand in the White House. That doesn't work. And so now you have 86 percent of people that believe that he's too old.
86 percent believe that he's too old and he has memory issues. So now they have another issue. But they did this on purpose. They're not stupid. No, they did this on purpose because this is their excuse to get rid of him. And again, I will show you the prophecy that will be released at some point next week when I'm gone.
The Lord has called my team and myself to go out. And to pray in war for this country and for the body of Christ in the time frame that we're living in. So we are, but I'm going to share that with part of it with you on here, because I know this is something that people that watch need to hear this.
Yeah. So, just before you do it. A touch on what happened with Joe Biden saying that a juror would not because he's loses his memory, a jury wouldn't convict him because, and that's the most ridiculous case not to prosecute. And remember he was a vice president, so he doesn't have immunity over those documents as a vice.
He's not commander in chief. And they were in a garage where president Trump was rated got confirmation of why they rated him again today. It's not what people thought. information on the deep state that they wanted, not the documents. And he had a little special surprise for him for them. And in the safe, I think I told you that offline once what was in the safe.
I was confirmed that that was indeed true. So president Trump was rated. By the DOJ. He was, he was commander in the chief. He had every right to have those records. They were D they were declassified and he had them under locking key in the secret secret service. So you're, this is the comparison and Biden doesn't get prosecuted and president Trump is still fighting.
You know, not only was he vice president, but there were some documents from when he was a senator. Yes. So that's both and he knew it. And so that's why it's the under the espionage act. And that's the reason why he should have gone to jail and be tried for treason. Because he was a senator and he was a vice president.
He did not have the legal means or the ability or the right to be able to take those classified documents away. And they just proved that. They said he was guilty. They said he knew what he was doing, he was guilty, but now he's too old to stand trial. Well, you can't have your cake and eat it too. It doesn't go both ways.
And so there's a lot of things that they're ruling not guilty for Biden, but it's gonna help President Trump. In a lot of ways they don't realize they're doing that, but they're really doing more damage to themselves and they just don't get it yet. Like the whole immunity thing. Hmm. Yep. Well then Biden doesn't get immunity either.
Yeah. That is O Biden or bi or Obama and Bush and Clinton. Mm-Hmm. . There's a reason for it is all strategic. It people have to realize. It looks so bad and people are like, Oh my gosh, they ruled us against Trump. I started laughing. If they rule that no president has immunity or he doesn't have immunity, that has to go along with every other president that God has been telling us that has been doing all these things that goes toward them too.
None of them. So they're ruling against Trump, but they're really, really ruling against themselves and they just don't realize it yet because they're so arrogant thinking they have all this under control and they truly, truly don't. And that's why you can see they're panicking. They're hitting the panic button right now with Biden, because God said the closer to his fall.
The more he would decline and the faster he would decline and they would not be able to control him. They cannot control him. They cannot control his mouth. They cannot control what he's saying or what he's doing in any way, shape, or form. They cannot control him. So this is a prophecy. It was from December 1st, 2023.
Okay? I'm just gonna read a couple prophecies fulfilled. Just to encourage people that God is doing something right now regarding what we're seeing with Biden last week. So this is called a darkness in the White House. Okay. This is regarding the 25th amendment. Listen to the words from the party on the left.
Listen for how more are turning closer to get this, this next election. They are starting to turn on the so called Biden. They are starting to change their narratives. They're starting to change because panic is growing. Panic is growing. 25th amendment. Listen to these words, listen carefully and listen who they are using it against.
That's one. Now there's several of them. I'm only going to give you a couple. Here's another one from June 28th of 2022. So this is a year and a half ago. It's called the Eagles being set free. My children listen to the number 25. Oh yes, it's being discussed on how to do it and when. 25 Lord? Yes, the 25th amendment.
The next moves by the globalists will be obvious. They are letting the Biden fall. So again. We know they're letting him fall because what the Lord said back in June 28th, 2022, they're letting him fall because now they're letting the news media talk about the 25th amendment. And you know that they let that person have that was her or her or whatever his name was.
They let him say those words. Believe you me, they let him say those words. Then May 25th of 2022, great losses and great upsets are coming to your enemies. The 25th amendment will continue to be brought up against the Biden. Again, this is almost two years ago now. And then this one was July 29th of 2022.
It's all coming to a close. It says impeach, impeach. They'll start to say and will start to shout the 25th amendment. Well, guess what? Now, again, this is 2022 that got talked was in July. They first started saying impeach, impeach. They're under the impeachment inquiry right now with Biden. Well, after they mentioned the impeachment and they're doing the impeachment inquiry, then they're going to shout 25th Amendment.
Why? They are trying to remove the Biden without people knowing what is really going on with him. But it won't work. The world will know the full truth regarding the Biden, saith the Lord. So again, here's one more I want to share. This is from August 16th, 2022. So these were all May, June, July, and August of 2022.
Except for one of them that was, I think, was in 2023. And it says your enemy's plans are denied. Watch this fake and fraudulent government continue to fail more and more. News stations will become more bold in pointing out their failures. No more propping up the Biden. His fall will be seen by the world, saith the Lord of Hosts.
And I have tons and tons and tons of articles that mention all of these things. And again, Those are just a few of the ones where he mentioned about impeachment and mentioned about 25th amendment and mentioned about, of course, his cognitive failure. They can't hide this anymore. So we are about to see his removal and it will be before the election.
Is what I'm understanding. Yep. There's no question you, you go and you look at common sense, common sense. If you got this guy who can't even speak two words, you don't call on Peter Doocy and the white house briefing every time you don't ask, let him ask a question because it's just teeing it up, you know, he's going to say that.
So. If I were the press secretary, I would avoid Peter Doocy with, I wouldn't let him ask or answer any or ask any question, but they keep doing it. That's not on purpose. It is a hundred percent on purpose. And there was even, oh, I laughed at this one so hard. There was a small clip of CNN and CNN was fact checking Biden and they were proving what he was saying was a lie.
I laughed so hard. I was like. Lord, this is so obvious to us because what you've been saying for the last two years, we are now seeing it start to play out. They're even telling him to hide in the basement. They're even like, like, again, CNN and there's other news news, people that are saying that about his memory, memory and cognitive ability, and they're even saying, and they're asking that like there was an interview with Gavin Newsom saying about his replacement.
They're talking about Michelle Obama. They're talking about Gavin Newsom. What have we been saying for two years? The two people, and now the news media is talking about it. Now, remember the architect we talked about last week? I saw the architect online last week, or whatever it was, and I saw a thumbnail.
I refused to watch it. I started laughing, so I'm like, Lord, we were just talking about this. And he said, the whole Michelle Obama, he was like debunking it and said it was, you know. It was implausible. It would never happen. It was impossible. Well, you know, what's fascinating about that is we had very launch on, it'll come on.
I think today he had a prophetic word from the Lord. And I never hear prophetic words until I'm talking to the prophetic voice face to face. And he said that Obama would be in a plane and God is going to stop the controls and he wouldn't be able to take off. Well, Barry didn't know what I knew. I said, do you know that the former Mexican president Oprah Winfrey and the Obamas would meet in a hangar in California?
I think we probably talked about this before. They fly in and they communicate and they, they give each other their, their information and then they fly back out. Interesting times we're in. I have so many prophecies about Obama and Biden and what's going to happen in their future. I'm, and I'm just, I'm so excited about this.
I know they're going to start doing more things that are going to look really bad and I get that, but this everyone should be excited about. What we're about to see, we should all get excited about. Even like we were just talking about, you know, cause God's been talking about these blackouts and the time of silence.
He's been talking about this since the end of 21, beginning of 22, I think. That's for our celebration. We should be celebrating when this happens. We should not be in fear. God is going to sustain us. Remember, and I keep telling people, like there's a lot of people who have asked me, you know, what if I don't have the finances in order to stock up?
And this is why I tell people then go read in the book of second Kings. Go read how God supplied the oil for the widow woman, and it didn't run dry until all of the jars were filled. And what about the, the woman with the issue, or the woman with the flour and hers didn't run out either? Look at what God did when, when Jesus turned the water into wine, when they, when wine was needed for the wedding supper.
All these things. And of course, the loaves and the fishes. When they were out in the middle of nowhere and there wasn't anything. How about manna from heaven? Or how about the quail? There are so many different places in the Bible where God shows us how he provides. And so even though you may look like you're in a situation, somebody who's watching and you don't have enough money, you're living paycheck to paycheck because the inflation, and you're like, how am I supposed to do this?
Don't worry about it. God is the one who will multiply What you have in your cupboards now believe you receive it. I've seen with manuel johnson twice I have seen oil fill up. There was a third time I was praying for people And my team saw the bottle fill up. I didn't, but so three times when we were in healing services, the bottle of oil filled up and did not run out until we were done and then it stopped filling up just like the woman with the oil were stuck when she didn't need it anymore.
So again, God is our provider. So I don't want people to fear when you see all this go down, you better start jumping up and down because I know I'll be celebrating. He keeps telling me over and over and over again, Goshen, Goshen, Goshen. Me too. That's what's going to happen. It's a moment that if you have the ability to do something with silver and gold or extra food, great.
But as Julie said, if you can't, God knows your needs and he'll meet you at those needs and it will be a Goshen type moment. I trust in God. He'll never let you down. He won't. He will not let us down. Now, something interesting in the prophecy that I actually gave out this morning, it was from the 7th of February.
And this prophecy is called the Washington establishment is losing its power over this nation. One small paragraph, but it's not only small, but I really felt I needed to read it on this show today because somebody would know what I'm talking about when I read it. Right before this guy was talking about how he's a God who nothing is impossible.
Okay. He says you are also coming into a time where the dead will tell a story. You may be asking, Lord, what does that mean? There have been many people who have been killed. For secrets to stay secret for evidence to stay hidden, but those secrets and those bodies and those people and the secrets will no longer stay hidden from the world.
He says in the evil web, they have weaved in your nation's capital and they have brought slavery, bondage and corruption. They brought an evil that you didn't know existed, and they've kept it by silencing. They've kept it by bribing. They've kept it by blackmailing. They've kept it by their power and with their money.
And then he goes on to say what's going to happen to their money. And when he says, what happens when they have no money? Well, God is saying right there, they're going to run out of their unlimited spending. And they're free for all on all this money that they're just printing out of absolutely nowhere.
So when he told me the dead will tell a story, I literally, when I was going back over this prophetic word, I had to like, Lord, what are you talking about? There has been many people who have been silenced and who have been killed, and unfortunately, one of them was a sitting president. Well, no, two of them actually were sitting presidents.
One was Abraham Lincoln, the other one was JFK. And we obviously know, a lot of us know that he was killed by the JFK was killed by the CIA. He was killed to be silenced. There's going to be a lot more that we're going to find out. There's going to be explosive information on these people who have been killed, who they thought their secrets died with them.
You know how many people that we know the Clintons have killed? I mean, what? Last time I knew, it was like 60 some people and that's who we know it could be even more than that. Go back to that again for a second. If you would, the dad, the dad will what? Cause I was just told a story this morning and it just dawned.
The dad will tell a story. Time or the dad will tell a story. Oh my there's somebody that we, that many people that I really, really, really trust. And they swear this person is still alive. That the world thinks is dead and it was brought to my attention again this morning and said, yes, he is. So we shall see that we're talking about.
Yeah, but the devil tell a story. So some people may not be, you know, like, you're talking about. And then there's other people that I think were, but their story is going to be revealed because there's gonna be whistleblowers going to come out and talk about it. There are so many whistleblowers are going to come out.
Oh my goodness. There's, there's two more. Well, I told you about one, one is in the federal reserve. That's ready to come forward. It'll tie the fed and also big pharma together. You know, that Tucker Carlson stayed in Russia after Putin and interviewed Snowden and Tara Reid. Those, those two interviews are going to be coming out sometime.
Snowden knows a lot. The Lord has given me prophecies about Snowden. Yeah. Yeah. So I, I knew he was going to come back up. I knew he was going to come back up, but that's what the Lord talked about. Not only is that what that would be, there'd be Edward Snowden. But then he said there'd be another Edward Snowden.
So somebody like Edward Snowden. So what did Edward Snowden do? He sat there, he told about what the NSA was doing to this nation, and instead of us spying on the enemies, they were actually using that technology to spy on the American people. Yes. And he was telling that story. Well, still are. Yeah. And there was exposure of the NSA.
Well, there's going to be more like him. I don't think just about the NSA. I think about the FBI and the CIA because the Lord's been talking about all 3 of them. When he talks about all 3 of them, he talks about in length, length and detail. I have another one that's going to talk about how the director of the CIA is going to be exposed and he will be removed.
And so is Christopher Wray, which guys mentioned more than once. So there's, there's, there's a lot going to come down the pike very, very shortly that I believe that it's already happening today. So last week was it last week, Putin? Interviewed with I think it was the days are going by so fast each day feels like a month.
But he said in that interview, he said that the CIA was the 1 that took down the Nordstrom took down Nordstrom today. It was breaking again. It's something that we reported. It was part of the 17 scandals project fulsome. And Obama and the CIA, but it has just broke again. They have more documentations to prove when president Trump said my wires were tapped, literally were showing that the CIA and Obama.
Tap President Trump and put a coup together to take him out of office after 2016. That's all breaking as we speak. That, again, God said the CIA and they were involved. I'm telling you, God keeps talking about all these prophetic words for the last couple years and now they're starting to come to pass like rapid fire.
I just got sent this to by someone breaking house intelligence. Chairman Mike Turner says all members of Congress have access to info on serious national security threat. He's requesting by and declassify all the information relating to this threat so that the Congress and the administration, all their allies can openly discuss the actions necessary to respond to this threat.
So that ties in threat. So that ties into two things. It ties into Christopher Wray last week brought in sheriffs from the United States and said, attack is eminent. There's nothing we can do to stop this next attack. There was a brave sheriff out of Ohio that came public a couple days ago and said what Christopher Wray said, and that ties exact.
This is all planned because it ties into what I was told about Google. Google. How does Google know to prepare for this event that's coming in the next couple of weeks? Wasn't the Senate? Yeah. Wasn't the senators that got sat phones? Yes. Yes. Again, we've talked about this before, why would they need it?
Never in the history. Have they ever needed sat phones? And the Lord has also been talking about the fall of mainstream media. I just got an article. I think it was last night or this morning that 800 employees at Paramount or a K. C. B. S. Had been released or terminated a hundred Catherine heritage, who is just brave reporter.
Some say that she was taken out because she was telling the truth. They kept Leslie stalls from 60 minutes. She was the one in that on 60 minutes that was claiming president Trump was making up the story about his wires being tapped. Once again, CBS lied and president Trump was a hundred percent right on what he said.
You know, what's beautiful about this. And, you know, no one wanted the, the uncomfortable and all the crap we've gone through in the last four years. I understand that last three years underneath the Biden, but do you see what's happening? The ramifications because everything, and I, and I, again, I will show you, there's, there's so many prophetic words here and they have so much explosive information in them.
Everything they're doing. They think it's a further their plan or agenda and it's actually backfiring and it's actually hurting them instead of helping them. Yeah, it's great It is great every move they make it is truly like Jericho and the walls fell this way because why God had the walls fall outwardly as they were taking the dead babies and putting them in the walls Sacrificing to their God and God literally exposed and that's what's happening to the deep state right now.
They're truly getting exposed Days of Haman. They're trying to take Trump out and instead they're going to be taken out. And it's just great. I just sit there, I just laugh. People are like, oh this is just horrible, this is such a hard time. And I'm like, what are you talking about? I'm celebrating because they're failing and falling right in front of our face.
All these different, we never, if President Trump Well, obviously he's still president because he is the sitting president, no matter if they put some resident in the White House or not. He's still the president. He was elected. Even though he stole the election, he's still the president. And God knows it.
That's why he always calls, you know, President Trump president and he always calls Biden the Biden. He just does because Biden is a fake. But you think about this for a minute. It's a greater for them to fail while they're in power than it would have been if Trump was there right this second. Exactly.
Because then they'd be blaming it. It's all, you know, Trump bad, Trump bad. He's so bad. So it's all his fault. He, this is what's right wing conspiracy. No, they are the ones who are doing it to themselves, just like the whole border. Do you know how many people in so many different communities? I just got while we were on a prayer call this morning, we were actually praying for President Trump in this country.
I got an article sent and it said. What? 11, 11 out of 13 independents. This is out of the New York Times or New York Post or something, that they were going to vote for Trump even though they didn't like him. Yep. Now you have the black community, you have the Latino community, now you have independents.
Those are the ones that Democrats always fawned over, even though they didn't do anything for them. Which is sad. They didn't keep any of their promises and they were actually doing the exact opposite. Now you have, I was just listening to something, because this is again about the border, so it's prophecy.
There are people in Chicago that are upset because in this black community they were told there's no funding for this, there's no funding for that, there's no funding for this, there's no funding for that. But all of a sudden a month later, two months later, three months later, there's funding for these exact same things they told them they couldn't have and it's for the illegal immigrants.
So you're putting illegals over American citizens and a Democrat said last week, because remember God said that, that their tongue would be their worst enemy. And he said, this was part of a prophecy. And he said we only care about the illegals on national TV. It was a senator out of Connecticut said that I can't think of his name off the top of my head.
I can't literally said he literally said that. And that's the whole purpose of these illegals. They want to take those illegals and replace the votes of Latinos and African Americans and stay in power. That's the only reason they're doing this. It's disgusting what they've done to Chicago what they've done to New York, what they've done to so many of these major cities all around.
And you can see what happened when they, you know, beat the pulp out of a police officer, which I still am appalled. I still cannot believe. That happened, but the more they do things like this and allow things to happen like this, like, okay, in my state of Iowa, in our Capitol, there was that Luciferian satanic statue.
Okay. That a military man came in here and he destroyed it. Well, he's looks like he could go to jail, you know, just for destroying a statue that he had every right to destroy because it had nothing to do with religion. It's satanic demonic. Well then, you got people out here that are beating, beating up a police officer and they walk out flipping people off and they're not held accountable.
This is not America. Everything that they do, evil betrayed is good and good is evil. That's gonna bite them in the butt. It really truly is, it's gonna start biting them even more and more. And I know people are probably like, Julie, I can't believe you just said that. But it's true. This stuff is going to keep biting them because it's like a boomerang.
It's gonna keep Hitting them over and over and over again, because they're reaping what they are sowing to the public of this country and the rest of the nations around the world. You know, the guy that with a statue that you said just unbelievably took it, took it down and did the right thing.
Christian, I think he's former military. Anyway, he's on his glory. I think he's on his glory next week to tell that story, but they are going to try to prosecute him. I was in Dallas two nights ago to take my son to a game and I was watching the local news, which I never watched local news in Dallas.
They were laying off. All the teachers and staff and the Dallas public schools, the parents were just outraged because that money they see are putting into legal, illegals, shutting down public schools, teachers, staff programs, so they can refund all that money. You know, you can talk about Illinois and Chicago and LA and all this, but this is Dallas, Texas.
There's going to be what God said, a revolt a resistance, there is going to start going to be people waking up in this country. The more they are pushing these illegals on American citizens, even people on the far left are going to start getting angry. And that's what we're starting to see now. It's going to, it's going to be, it's destroying the left.
It is destroying them and now people want that security of that border, which again, and I just had somebody send this to me last night, they said 95 billion or going to want, they just passed in the Senate, said 95 billion to Ukraine. That's what they want to do for their border protection, 95 billion.
But our border, which people are crying out and the money's already been funded by President Trump to finish that border wall, it's illegal for them not to use that money for the border wall. It was placed for the border wall and we don't even need any access money and they're playing politics saying.
You know, the house has not passed in this fall and the house, no, the president has the right to finish that border wall. He's just playing politics and wanting people to turn on the big, bad Republicans and it's not necessary. All he has to say is finish that border wall. That's it. You don't have to pass.
It's even worse than that. I was down on the border with sheriff lamb last December that our documentary is coming out in the next couple of weeks, but I saw all the equipment that president Trump bought. And it was sitting there. They didn't finish the wall because, you know, they, they fought, fought him and then by one put, they're selling all that equipment for pennies on the dollar on auction that taxpayers bought to buy the wall to build the wall.
It was sitting there and now they're auctioning it off on pennies out of the dollar just to get rid of it. And where was that? That was in Arizona. You can't make this up. And then the bill you're talking about, I had Marjorie Taylor green on this week. The house is, is blocking it, but 0 for that.
And for the Southern border, but get this baby JD Vance, the Senator of Ohio, former Marine said there, there is a clock. There's, there's a, there's language in this bill that when, that if president Trump came back, that it would have to continue to support Ukraine, no matter who the president was.
And that's something they'll use to try to get him. And this is, and this is what I'm going to, and this goes right into this prophecy. What you're saying. This is from yesterday morning. He says your enemies are desperate to control him. They're desperate to control the narrative and to control who wins the next election.
Now again, they're trying to control the Bidenist that they're talking about. And the outcome they so desire. They have said many times in private. They cannot have another replay of 2016, but of, of that were to take place, we will make sure we have control of the House and the Senate, and we will continue to control the Supreme Court because if he wins.
Now president Trump, if he wins, we will just impeach him and remove him out of the way. But they also have wolves next to my David and want him to pick their person for his V P. So then they can get rid of the Biden, get rid of president Trump and have who they want. I know who that is. I know who it is too.
That person is. A wolf. He is part of the deep state. And if Trump were to pick this person, which I know we're probably both on the same page of this person, then they would either impeach President Trump. Or of course, what they did with JFK, which they are talking about, you know, they even have people talking about assassinating him on TV.
I cannot even believe the things that are being said. But anyway, they would get who they want. Just like they did with JFK, where they made him. He didn't pick his VP. He didn't even like Lyndon B. Johnson. At all. They hated each other. But they picked him because they wanted him. Because if JFK wasn't a player.
If he didn't play the game the right way, they would remove him and put Lenny B. Johnson in. Well, that is what they're doing with President Trump right now. And you got one of his sons, President Trump's sons, calling for this person. He may be just saying it as a head fake. I don't know. But he's calling for this person to be the VP.
I pray not. I pray to God not. Because he's like, an Obama reincarnated. I mean, I'm trying to say this in a nice way, but I can't. He's when I, okay. So when I look at people, their eyes tell me a lot about who they are and I have never, it never settled with me when I saw this person ever, ever, ever, ever.
So, that's something that we are going to pray about as a team. But I, I do want people to pray about this. As Christians, we need to start praying together, whether people agree with what's going on or not. They believe in everything. We need to pray that God's plan. We already know what God's going to do.
He allowed it 2020 to happen. If he did not allow 2020 to happen, it wouldn't have happened. He allowed it for this. What we're seeing right now, but we have enemies. So, okay, if Biden fails and if Michelle Obama and Gavin Newsom fail, we're going to have all these other strategic things to get in place.
Even if the people elect President Trump, which they know they will, they know they are outnumbered. This is going to be a bloodbath. I mean, it really truly is going to be a landslide of an election. They won't be able to steal it enough. But the thing is with this, so they have to have something in place.
So they're going to try to put laws in place, but they're also going to have people in his place so they can remove him and have who they want. And they still, in the end, get what they want. President Trump, I know people, I know people from Trump's, President Trump's team is watching. So you get the message to President Trump.
I don't think I told you this before. I'll have to be careful how I say this. I won't name a name, but I have somebody I know and trust extremely well. Was that Mar a Lago and witnessed this with their own eyes. A member of the Trump team had a demonic spirit in them and literally next to the pool, they, they were, they, they, they, somebody of Christ took that demon out of that person on Trump's team.
And people watched, people saw, witnessed it, there was a literal deliverance of a demon at Mar a Lago, you know, the Lord has been having us pray as a team about this for at least a year now, and he's been saying that there's people in his innermost circle that are not who they say they are and they're still there, you know, they're still sent there and that we've been praying that president Trump would actually, God would reveal it to him who they are.
Because this is a spiritual thing and even though people can be extremely intelligent, they can be, you know, the strong willed person. But if you don't have the spiritual discernment, there could be a, the wolf right in front of your face and you wouldn't know it because the enemy, trust me, I've had people that I've had to remove from this ministry who they looked good.
They sounded good. They appeared good and they weren't good. So it happens. They can hide. They can hide very well. This was a long time ago, but they can hide very well. And so God, when God revealed it to us and reveal it to me, it was a hard hit because I'm like, how did I miss that right in front of my face?
Because you have all these things going on. You have all these distractions. You have all this busy, we're busy, busy, busy work. And it's like, I should have known. I questioned it. I questioned them since the beginning, but my heart was like, well, I can see good things about them. So I'm going to give them benefit of the doubt.
Well, that was wrong on me. And I had to repent for that. And that was, you know, me too. I thought the same, the same thing happened to me, his glory. I had to repent and I had to clean house. Somebody, I didn't think. You could pot that could possibly happen a couple of people actually. But the Lord keeps telling me this is a time for pruning and a time for house cleaning.
Get your house in order for the next rise so that we're focused only on him. One thing that I'm hearing often, I don't know if you've heard this, but there are literal witches. Getting involved and churches intercess prayer intercessor teams, they're infiltrating their which literally and some big name churches that we all know are being infiltrated as we speak by literal witches and they're and I will tell you that I can't tell you how many which is we've seen and going and revivals intense.
And churches, they're everywhere. They are, Oh, bushes are for today. Oh, yes, they are. There was one that was cast in spells in the middle of the Super Bowl, right next to Mrs. Taylor Swift. I didn't watch the Super Bowl cause I won't watch. I just haven't watched it since they started kneeling against our flag and against our country.
So I, I did not watch it. I only saw a clip of. What this person was doing inside right next to Taylor Swift. How this person had upside down cross. I don't know her name. I don't care what her name is. She had upside down cross and she was doing all these demonic symbolisms. And she was chanting while at the, at the Superbowl right in front of everybody and everything.
I mean, but people don't think, oh, that's just, you know, that's just no, it's real. And they're doing it right in front of our face. And then even the scores, you know, they, they went to Taylor Swift 13 times. Her favorite number is 13. The score halftime score was 1313. And then what was the, what was the end of the score?
Total 25, 22 equals what? 47. Put it on in front of her. I didn't even know. All I knew is when my kids were just like, cause they watched it with their friends, you know, they had their friends here while we were gone. And they were watching the Superbowl because we have a movie theater. So they were all down there, you know, watching on the big screen.
And they're just like, I can't believe I can't believe it. You know, that this 49ers loss because my husband has been big 49er fan. Hi, Chris, shout out to him. He's watching. He's a big 49ers fan and he wouldn't even watch because he knew who was going to win because I've been telling him the last couple months and we all knew it a couple weeks.
We knew the Chiefs got in. We know who was going to win. I mean, that's just not because they were a better team. They were apparently my son just told me yesterday, Caden. Hi, Caden. I think he's watching too. They, they were zero to three against the Chiefs were against 49ers. They beat, the 49ers beat the Chiefs three times.
Well, all of a sudden you get some Super Bowl. Well, I know why they won. Everyone knows why they won. It's, even though I, I, I, I like that team. I'm not saying anything against them. It's just there, there are things that are set in place. So when they were in the Super Bowl, I said, Oh, I know who's going to win.
I don't have to watch it anyway, even if I want it. They were going to win. They were going to cheat for him. They were going to win. That was it. Because of Taylor. And she's a psyops. I know that. I know that. I know that. I know that. God's been talking about psyops. That would be in the news. And right after I heard that prophetic word, her name was brought up as a psyops.
So I, I go by what the word of God is saying, what he is saying, then, you know, what I see on TV. And her, her, her so called boyfriend the Pfizer guy Pfizer had an ad in the, in the Superbowl too. You know what the ad was about? No, no. Isn't that ironic that Pfizer has a cancer, a new cancer type drug because the jabs caused the cancer?
They do. Yeah, it is unbelievable. So in that prophetic word, when God went on and he was talking about what they were going to do and try to put a VP next to president Trump, which obviously, like I said, I think majority of people who are listening probably know who we're talking about. But because the Lord had not given me his name, I'm not going to say it out loud.
Just out of respect for the, for the Word of God, for this prophecy, I'm not going to do it. Out of respect for the Lord. But anyway, he says, he goes on, my children, they are ravenous wolves willing to stop at nothing to get what they want. In all of these scenarios and all of these plans they have conjured up, not one will go the way they wanted it, not even getting rid of the Biden.
So they have conjured up a way of getting rid of the Biden, but it's not going to go that way. Lord has given me so much more about the his whole removal to his removal will not be there to decide how or when, but you are about to see that this is true. Much will take place before their convention.
Much will take place in their party, which is, you know, the left in Washington establishment. They are at a point of no return, but they also don't see me coming that my justice. Will prevail. So a lot of things are going to happen before that convention, but I don't know if I'll be able to get to this prophecy or not, but it doesn't in case I don't to go on with this one.
The Lord said there is a health underlying health problem of the Biden that the deep state does not know is there so he has something physically wrong with him and they don't know about it and something's going to happen on live TV that they will not be able to stop. What's about to happen? They won't because they didn't see it coming.
So there's a lot that's going to happen. I've had almost these last like four or five different prophetic words all had something massive. About Biden in them and about exposures of Biden and Obama and then a huge one regarding Ukraine that I have to share with you ahead. There's a lot about Obama.
Even General Flynn was retweeting about Obama yesterday. I believe General Flynn. We love General Flynn. Love and respect that man. Okay. So 1st is France. He says France is crumbling and their government will not stand. So he's talked about the fall of France for a long time. He's talked about the fall of that president.
He's mentioned him, I don't even know how many times. Macron, he will not be able to stay in power. He's another deep state crony. And Gaza is just something about it to remove him. This is a big one from Ukraine. All right. It says Ukraine will not continue with their lies and criminal acts that they have committed against this nation and their own.
A major whistleblower is about to expose Ukraine and the likes that no one has ever seen before. All their corruption will be exposed with a foreign aid. Was spent on and the bribes and the blackmail and all they have helped the swamp of this nation cover up from the world and from the American people.
It's coming. The fall of the Ukrainian leadership and their lives that they have tried to hold up for years. I'm setting the people in that nation free from a great captivity. So what he's going to do is he's going to bring down the leadership in Ukraine. So of course he has talked about bringing down Zelensky more than once, exposing who he really is.
He's just another puppet. But now he's talking about how he is going to expose all the money and all the government money that we have been giving. To Ukraine that I somebody told me one of my team members. I can't remember who it was. They even said that Whole bunch they lost a whole bunch of money.
Well, how do you lose money? It's like I think the Pentagon lost like what six billion dollars or some crazy crazy number How you don't lose that money and if you do fire the person who did it, but I'm telling there's always a money trail There's always a money trail and then he goes on so not only Ukraine your leadership in Ukraine your leadership in France The money the money trail is going to be found out, but then he goes on to talk about China.
Did you watch the fall of China's financial system and the cascade effect it will have globally in every nation that has designed to bring my nation financially down? They will be the ones brought down financially instead. So China is going to be one that's going to be brought down massively financially and God is going to do it in front of.
The world they are going to be brought down. That's already starting to happen. I had a source telling me that china it's it's a house of cards and about ready to collapse the japanese currency crashed today this morning as well just a free fall the the The yen crashed and I was just told two days ago.
Zelensky's days are Numbered any day they expect Zelensky to be gone today. As you're talking about Ukraine, remember Tony Bob, a loose ski. That was with Tucker Carlson. He's back in the news. He was under a hearing yesterday and talked about the money trail and Biden being 10 percent to the big guy.
It's all coming out. That's another prophecy because God also mentioned Babylon's. He would be back in our news for a significant reason and that was back last year. So that's another prophecy fulfilled. So in this same, the same prophecy from the 12th, I don't have a title for it yet. Cause I, I haven't, I just dictated all these out this morning because I had to pre record a whole bunch.
But the same one says. A White House whistleblower is about to come forward and shock this nation on what has been hiding in plain sight. They're going to reveal and you have, you started to see, they're going to reveal what you've been getting to see the fall of the Biden and it's speeding up now.
The puppet can no longer follow commands. And he's functionality is about to take a big turn for the worst. So we think even last week when he had one gaff after another, I've been talking about his gaffs and, and what he's doing in my, on live TV a lot even talked about, there was going to be another fall of the Biden, which was the fall you saw and at that military base, a naval base, I think.
And then you saw another fall that he had up the stairs and somewhere he was speaking. So there's been a lot of different things that have been happened since that prophetic word. So now we're going to hear of a White House whistleblower. So I am really excited to see who is in the White House. And Scott said he's infiltrated infiltrators, which I love when he says that.
But I'm wondering who that whistleblower is going to be. But there is going to be one coming out of the White House. Interesting. Yep. This is the year and the day of the whistleblower. More of them are coming out left and right. Also, I forgot to mention this when you're talking about the the, the media free falling.
I mean, all the media is laying. I think there's 25 percent of media. As laid off yesterday, you mentioned CBS big layoff with Paramount, the CEO of I think he's a new CEO of CNN. CNN is not in their old headquarters anymore. And that was what Intel source said to me 3 years ago that CNN would just plummet.
And he said his words were something, he said, breathtaking news is coming from CNN. And the next day is talking about CNN going in a new direction. Do you know that the first prophetic word I had about any news media and about the fall, a major fall of any news station was CNN and so many of those, so many of those prophecies about CNN has come to pass, even by closing of the doors when I saw that, I got so excited because it got to be that like 2021.
And I was so, so, so excited when I see those doors being shut. He said, the lights will be turned off. The doors will be shut never for you to go back in there again. And that was their headquarters. And I think it was in Atlanta is where they shut, shut down. And so I was excited about that one. And then he, so he's been, and then he even to the point.
Where he has mentioned, and this has happened to a lot of them, even the news anchors, he's mentioned the news anchors, and there's so many of them that have already been removed. So it was like Chris Cuomo, he named was one, he named Don Lamone or Lemon, however you want to call it, there were so many of them, and he named them.
To the teeth, their name and said that they were going to be removed. And there's so many of them that have been removed from their position. Like I think Don Lamone is, or Lennon is still on, but he wasn't in that big, huge, like nightly spot anymore. I think he's in some morning show that people it's doing really bad anyway.
But there was tons of, I can't remember the other guy's names, but there's been so many of them. God has been very detailed about all that down to the person and all, all of us. He said, why? This is the days of Haman. They've been doing all these things and then controlling the narrative. And God is saying he's, he's removing all the ones who have been purposely lying to this nation and lying to the world.
Interesting. CNN. Somebody that's watching us probably right now. He's a former general. I guess once you're general, you're always a general. Hello. That's why. That's what I think. Yeah, this was probably four or five years ago. He reached out to me and said, can you get a message to 18 T? Because 18 T owns CNN.
Because I used to work, I was a director at at t Can you get a message? We wanna, he has a big investor that wanted to buy CNN and changed the format, fire everybody and make it a Christian news network for, for God. So I went to my source and I said, you know, would at and t ever sell this? And he laughed.
He said, he said this, point blank. He said, no, this is the propaganda arm of at and t. They'll never get rid of it. However. It's gonna fall. It's so miss run. Just let it fall. It's gonna be like a falling knife and you'll be able to get it for pennies on the dollar. I never forget that conversation. So I went back to the general and I told him that and he was like, he was skeptical.
And now general, do you see what happened? That literally happened. Yeah. And that's again, the Lord talked about CNN first. And that was the first one to really fall and really collapse before our eyes was CNN. And so he always gives us the news before the news. And that's why I think it's so exciting, not only hearing these prophetic words, but then going over them and reading them again and seeing these prophecies being fulfilled like this and knowing that God is always letting us in.
He's always letting us in on what he's doing. So then when things like this happen, he's not only proving That he's the one who is in control and the enemies aren't, but he's giving us an encouragement because he knows what's going on and he's doing something about it. And that's what we all as a body of Christ should be excited about.
He is something about it. God is so incredible. My wife always says that God puts me in the right place. I don't know how it happens, but it does. We were at a basketball game in Dallas and I'm sitting next to this businessman. I never met this businessman before in my life. So I had no idea it was for Creed's birthday.
And I meet Mark Cuban again. I've known him for, since the AT& T and Verizon days when I was in the corporate world, I see they brought in a top. Executive from AT& T. She's in the front row sitting there that I knew from AT& T and they did it for damage control. I see the new Israeli ownership. And then the guy tells me, yeah, this is why Mark Cuban sold the team is because they want to put a casino in Dallas.
And that's why he's playing all these, these, these games. And I'm like, How would I be at the right place at the right time at a basketball game to see this with my own eyes and hear it? And Mark Cuban, come right up and shake my hand.
I wouldn't have believed it. I love it. You know, even the enemies wanted this to be the darkest of the darkest of days for us. They wanted us to be so, you know, distraught and upset and angry and whining and crying and quitting. And instead, it's been like the most exciting time of my life, even though there's been a lot of persecution.
There's been a lot of fight. Some days are not easy to be in this position at all, but it's so worth every minute. It's worth everything. I, I, I'm just so grateful that God is doing what he's doing it and in me being able to be a part of it. It is. It's fun. I love it. I absolutely love it. I told him the other day.
I said, Lord, if I had to go back and even though all the hell that I've been through and in this last, you know, several years of my life. I said, I would do it all over again, because I know it's with you and I know the end. And so it's exciting. And that's one of the reasons he doesn't tell us beforehand, because if we, he told us beforehand, we knew the, once we're cleared it.
We're like, yeah, I would never do it. I would, I would do it again for you. But when you're in the middle of that storm, you're like, man, I wouldn't have signed up for this. If you would have told me. Yeah. Cause you know, people think being in these positions, it's all glamor and it's all sunshine and roses and everything in your life is perfect and nothing goes wrong.
And you know, you're, you're not like everybody else. You're like, Oh no. Oh no. Like, you don't know what we deal with on a daily basis. Our faith, we have to live out our faith. I mean, we just do, you know, say this a lot. And I truly mean this from the bottom of my heart. If you don't have Jesus in a time like now, there's truly no hope in the world.
It's gone. The hope's gone, but there's always hope in Christ. And he's going to come in at the last second and we're going to have a red sea moment, but if you're not engaged with him, it looks, it looks like it's over. So we have to get back to the Biden again because I know he's about to be exposed on not only his cognitive functionality, but who he really is.
I know that's coming really soon because God's talking about it again. This is from February 11th. So again, I have not given any of these out. I'm only giving you a little bit of excerpts that I knew that the Lord really wanted to be revealed today. Because I knew today was going to be a very explosive day.
And I'm trying to get some in because next week I can't be on because I'm going to be in our prayer retreat. So I have to give these Sunday things out so people can hear them too. But he says, okay, now again, this is from February 11th. My children, I am not done exposing the Biden. A great reveal will soon take place, and the ones who have been put there and controlled him will also be exposed.
Their communication lines have not only been cut, but many recordings of Obama, and how he's controlled not only this White House, he's been acting as a sitting president with all of his policies. He has wanted all along, going forward, but wanted somebody else to receive the backlash. Especially if this nation didn't like what had been passed.
He wouldn't get to blame or hated for doing it. I will prove that Biden was the fall man for the Democratic Party in all of their failed policies. He's proving to be too much. Now you are seeing them slowly removing him. They're embarrassing him. To leave him on his own and using or blackmailing him and using his son as well to convince him or to force him to step aside.
Watch what they are about to do against him next will shock this nation and watch what happens to the Biden live on air. They can't control this fall no matter how hard they are trying. He is failing faster cognitively and making him this a nightmare for them. Then he goes on. But there is another underlying health problem that they do not see.
But soon the world will know without the deep state trying to hide it. This will take place live for the world to see, the fall of the Biden. The fall of the Biden, the Democrat control, the fall of the Biden, so the Democratic, they cannot control this fall, or the fall of the Democratic Party, or the fall of the deep state.
One after another, they will think by letting Biden go, they will save themselves. But it will be the exact opposite. It will cause them to fall even faster. That's just one part of this prophetic word. Again, they're going to show how, and they have recordings of how Obama has been controlling not only this White House, but he also tried to control the House, the White House when President Trump was president.
And they got it. They have. They have the evidence. Really? Really? It's coming out. Yes. Yes. And by the way, I love being on this show. I'll just text with some more intel about president Trump. So I'll have to get to that. I'm trying to read it, but my phone's buzzing. So I guess it is explosive. Okay. I'm saying I'm read.
Go ahead. Do a shot. Well, let me say this real quick. Mayorkas becomes the first cabinet secretary impeached in almost 150 years. Breaking news. There's been so many removals that God has talked about. I can't, all the people that he's talked about being removed have started to be removed. There's nothing that God has when he's, he even said something about another prophecy here.
He's mentioned something about Mitch McConnell again, and I don't know if it's going to be about his health or what. But there's another prophecy that I have that I will maybe reach out today and read it. The old establishment people, you will also see their health fail dramatically in the public side, and they will not be able to stop that.
He froze what three times now, just completely froze up as a turtle, just completely stopped, didn't talk. They didn't know what was going on. They had to see if he was okay. And you know, again, this is not, people think this is politics. It's not politics. It's not Republican versus Democrat. It's evil versus light.
And there's rhinos that are just as crooked as the Democrats. And Mitch McConnell is one of them. Oh yeah. Mitt Romney. Another one. There's a lot of them. Lindsey Graham. I don't trust him either. I don't, I don't, I don't, I don't, there, and there's, there's, there's a lot of people that, you know, are rhinos that I had to pray about because some people could be playing a part and acting like they're rhinos when they're really not just to get into that, you know, circle.
But there's just some, I'm just, I just know that I know that I know like Mitch McConnell, he's, he's. He's evil. He's evil. Well, not, not only evil, but there's proof Peter Schweitzer in his book. I can't remember China, something China, Peter Schweitzer's got a new book out. I can't remember it, but it just came out, but anyway, he showed the money trail of Mitch McConnell and his wife from China, getting the money, literally getting money and becoming rich through China.
And what were they, what were they invested in? Oh, shipping containers. Imagine that. What? In container. Yeah. So his wife is Chinese. So that's how he made a lot of his money. I didn't know they had, I remember, I know his wife was Chinese, but I didn't know they had anything to do with shipping containers.
I believe it is shipping containers is how they made their money. Well, that would make sense because guys been talking about cargo ships and what's in them. Yep. He's been mentioning those for like a year and a half. Watch the cargo cargo. Huh? Most precious cargo is in the ships. There are children for sure, but there are, there are other things that are hidden on those as well.
There's a lot of things sending cargo ships that people aren't realizing. Yeah, this is not to scare anybody, you know, we're not the fear trust in the Lord, but one of the people that I talked about last week that gave me a deep intel dive said there were certain things that Saddam Hussein had that they said they didn't, but he did have.
That disappeared that are now somewhere in the United States that they believe, and they could be exploded. And 1 of the ways would be a cargo ship. So that is 1 of the 10 concerns they have. That would be a 9 11 type of event times. 10 is what that person told me. I got to find that prophetic word. It's it's on 1 of these.
I have, like, 5 or 6 up right now. One of them said that your enemy will raise their ugly head and he was talking about the Atlantic Ocean. He said something about the enemies will raise their ugly head, but he was talking, it was referencing the Atlantic Ocean. He's mentioned the Atlantic Ocean a lot.
I don't know. So I've heard, I've heard cargo ships and trains. Oh yeah. Those are two areas that they're most concerned about right now. Oh, here it is. The Atlantic Ocean will become very active. Many things will be seen and many things are about to take place. Right underneath of it, a mighty enemy will try to ris
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