Paul Murphy - 'Winter In My Heart' . New, slow arrangement, Take 1 [long intro/setup]

1 year ago

The song takes a while to begin, I'm afraid. This is a completely new arrangement of 'Winter'. I'm semi-wary of reworking this one, as I know it's a song that has a lot of fans - I guess we've all walked the path detailed - but I always felt there were more ways to nuance the lyric, and this is one way that I wanted to try out. The session did ... not go well! One day, someone will upload the outtakes - snapped strings, leg braces giving out, helicoptors overhead, nuns on pogo-sticks [well, maybe that one was just a dream I had last night]. Anyway, this was the first take, close to what I was aiming for but I had to substitute some chords due to my finger disability [my days of B-minor are over], and that threw the vocal out at points. This is a song I never cut in the studio, and it's too late now, so there is no 'substitute' version for any live ones, but hopefully the soul of the song shines out past any technical faux's and foes..

Light and peace,
20 Feb 2024

'Winter In My Heart' - words and music by Paul Murphy © 2022, 2024


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