Al Gore's Opening Remarks at Climate Reality Project

4 months ago

These are Al Gore's opening remarks at the Climate Reality Project, a global propaganda campaign whose mission is "to catalyse a global solution to the climate crisis by making urgent action a necessity across every sector of society". Find them here, where anyone can sign up and get involved:

The World Economic Forum have a similar project, Young Global Leaders, offering indoctrination courses to eager "leaders" wishing to improve the world by learning the political ideologies of corporatism, embedding corporate power into political establishments.

The business model of global corporatism involves severe austerity. This works to reduce carbon dioxide emissions (net zero CO2) as well as disease risk (net zero virus). It happens to shift wealth away from the middle class, to those establishing the policies, an outcome they prefer not to advertise.

Carbon dioxide makes up 0.04% of the air we breathe, and 4% of our own breath. For net zero CO2 to occur, human life would need to end. Those coordinating this business model, who continue to travel in private jets, holiday on super yachts, and live in beachfront homes, belong to secret societies involved in worrying about the idea that too many humans inhabit Planet Earth and there are not enough resources to go around. As a result, poverty and reduced life expectancy is considered an unavoidable outcome for most, simply because there are too many of us. Our eager compliance can keep their plans hidden in plain sight.

"Crisis is the rallying call of tyrants" ~ James Madison


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