Why I'm an Isolationist

4 months ago

I'm an isolationist because of the way I define"liberty".
Billions of people define liberty as the "freedom" to stick their nose into other people's business. Christians and Leftists are particularly guilty of this.
Now if you stick your nose into other people's business because they are breaking the law, then I'm all for it.
But if you do it, because you don't like the aesthetics of someone else's landscaping, you're an asshole. And yes, I've been the victim of that while living in an HOA, and also, when NOT living in a Home Owners Association.
The movie TEAM AMERICA: World Police, does a decent job of lampooning America's need to police the entire planet. In case you haven't figured it out, this need of ours hasn't won us any friends, and even if it did, WE CAN'T AFFORD TO DO IT!
I define "freedom" as the freedom to leave others alone. The more the USA interjects itself into the internal workings of other nations, the less free both they, and us, will be.

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