8 months ago

My website is Jah-ministries.com, welcome to my channel, my name is Jean Hosking, I am a prophet of the Lord, I deliver prophetic words on this channel, as the Lord leads me, I am here to give God's saints foreknowledge, forewarning and foretelling of what He is speaking and doing in the heavens and the earth, boldness, God's vengeance, God's mercy, God's love for His people, spiritual warfare, nations rage, God is in control, WAKE UP, do not listen to satan's lies, know your authority, authority over death, Jesus is in you, speaking life or death from your mouth, do not be like the Pharisee's or a heretic, the power is in the blood, communion, we are in Goshen, God will take these evil leaders out by force, pestilence, armor, power over the enemy, Col. 2:11-15, Prov. 18:21-24, Luke 12:1, 2 Peter 2:1, John 17:2, Matt. 15:17, Eph. 6:10-20, Ex. 8:22, 9:26, Crucifixion of Christ.
Resurrection power.
Crushing the serpent's head.
Casting Satan from Heaven.
Binding the strongman.
Jesus' victorious sacrifice.
The defeat at Calvary.
Triumph over darkness.
Overcoming evil with good.
The Word as a weapon.
Spiritual armor rendering Satan powerless.
Jesus' authority over demons.
Satan's schemes exposed.
Deliverance from Satan's grip.
Satan's defeat in Revelation.
The blood of the Lamb.
Victory through the Cross.
Authority in Jesus' name.
Chains broken by Christ.
Defeat of death and sin.
Defeated through prayer and fasting.
Satan's lies exposed by truth.
Spiritual battle won in heavenly realms.
Casting out demons.
Renouncing Satan's lies.
Power of Christ's resurrection.
Overcoming temptation as Jesus did.
Breaking curses through Christ.
Satan's defeat through believers' testimonies.
Redemption from Satan's dominion.
The Cross as a symbol of Satan's defeat.
Christ's victory over principalities.
Crushing Satan's authority.
Spiritual warfare through prayer.
Binding and rebuking Satan's influence.
Resisting Satan's temptations.
Freedom from Satan's chains.
Renouncing Satan's counterfeit promises.
Authority over Satan's minions.
Conquering through Christ's love.
Overcoming Satan's deceptions.
Breaking soul ties with Satan.
Restoration after Satan's attacks.
Spiritual discernment against Satan's schemes.
Defeating Satan's fear with faith.
Satan's lies countered by Scripture.
Rejecting Satan's accusations.
Victory in the battle for souls.
Satan's ultimate downfall in eternity.
Overcoming the enemy through worship.
Empowerment against Satan's attacks.
Breaking Satan's grip on minds.
Reclaiming stolen blessings.
Overcoming spiritual warfare tactics.
Thwarting Satan's plans through prayer.
Satan's defeat foretold in prophecy.
Defeating the enemy's strongholds.
Declaring victory over Satan's strategies.
Victory through the Holy Spirit's guidance.
Spiritual authority to trample Satan.
Victory through Christ's intercession.
Overcoming the world, flesh, and Satan.
Defeat of Satan's lies with truth.
The armor of God against Satan's wiles.
Satan's ultimate judgment.
Discernment to expose Satan's disguises.
Triumph over Satan's attacks on faith.
Satan's defeat through God's grace.
Overcoming spiritual oppression.
Victory through God's promises.
Breaking generational ties to Satan.
Rejecting Satan's counterfeit power.
Victory over Satan's mind games.
Prayer dismantling Satan's strongholds.
Authority to trample serpents and scorpions.
Overcoming Satan's attempts to steal joy.
Defeat of Satan's accusations through confession.
Victory over the enemy's lies in Christ.
Casting down Satan's vain imaginations.
Resisting Satan's influence with God's Word.
Triumph through Christ's redemptive work.
Overcoming Satan's attacks on identity.
Freedom from Satan's bondage.
Satan's tactics exposed through discernment.
Victory in spiritual battles through prayer.
Spiritual armor as protection from Satan.
Breaking Satan's chains through repentance.
Authority to tread on Satan's territory.
Triumph over Satan's manipulation.
Defeat of Satan's plans through God's wisdom.
Victory over Satan's schemes through unity.
Overcoming the world's allurements from Satan.
Discerning Satan's counterfeit miracles.
Defeat of Satan's stronghold of unforgiveness.
Authority over Satan's strategies of division.
Triumph over Satan's attempts to steal peace.
Resisting Satan's lies with the truth of God's Word.
Victory through Christ's victorious resurrection.
Breaking free from Satan's web of lies.
Triumph over Satan's attacks through worship and praise, In the name of Jesus.
Authority granted by Christ.
Power through Jesus Christ.
By the power of His name.
Exercising spiritual dominion.
Commanding in Jesus' name.
Wielding Christ's authority.
Spiritual jurisdiction in Christ.
Demons flee in His name.
Healing through Jesus' authority.
Praying in His name.
Casting out in Jesus' name.
Bound by His authority.
Victorious in Jesus' name.
Speaking with authority.
Walking in His authority.
Mountains move through Him.
Miracles through His name.
Access through Christ's authority.
Binding and loosing in Jesus.
Prevailing through His name.
Proclaiming Jesus' authority.
Safe in His authority.
Authority over sickness.
Rebuking in Jesus' name.
Authority over darkness.
Redeemed by His authority.
Anointed under His name.
Walking in divine authority.
Supernatural authority.
Exercising spiritual power.
Defeating the enemy in Christ.
Authority over circumstances.
Confident in Jesus' name.
Boldness through His authority.
Authority to proclaim.
Overcoming in His name.
Victory through Jesus Christ.
Christ's dominion declared.
Demons submit to Him.
Authority to bind evil.
Authority to loose blessings.
Authority over fear.
Guided by His authority.
Declaring His lordship.
Speaking with conviction.
Authority in prayer.
Authority over temptations.
Authority over doubt.
Proclaiming freedom in Christ.
Accessing the throne in His name.
Authority over principalities.
Taking authority in situations.
Operating in His power.
Authority over sin.
Strengthened through His name.
Authority through faith.
Ruling with Christ's authority.
Authority to forgive.
Binding strongholds in Jesus.
Authority over the flesh.
Submitting to His lordship.
Overcoming obstacles in His name.
Empowered by His authority.
Exercising spiritual warfare.
Authority over sickness and disease.
Casting out unclean spirits.
Authority over chaos.
Declaring His sovereignty.
Manifesting His authority.
Authority in the Word.
Christ's authority in action.
Ruling by His grace.
Authority over darkness and deception.
Invoking His name for protection.
Proclaiming His supremacy.
Authority in worship.
Authority to tread on serpents.
Standing firm in His name.
Authority to break chains.
Walking in divine power.
Exercising spiritual discernment.
Authority to speak truth.
Overcoming through His name.
Christ's authority over death.
Declaring His reign.
Authority over oppression.
Ruling with heavenly authority.
Shielded by His authority.
Victory in Jesus' name.
Exercising Christ's lordship.
Authority to bless and curse.
Authority over curses.
Commanding blessings in His name.
Standing on His authority.
Authority in the Holy Spirit.
Resisting the enemy by His name.
Submitting to His authority.
Clothed in Christ's authority.
Anointing through His name.

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