The Gracious Two - LIVE Show 024 - Cashel OReilly

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Controversies and Concerns Discussed:
The Gracious Two, Chad Gracey and John Rotolo ( JRo or Mr. GoodTimes ) discussed several controversial topics. They criticized the prosecution of Trump's cases in Georgia and New York, suggesting that they are falling apart and being politicized. They also talked about the use of lawfare by Democrats against their political opponents. The conversation shifted to the issue of asset valuation, with John stating that it's not a crime to overvalue assets in a bank application especially if bank accepts it. They also touched on the Ashley Biden diary, which alleges inappropriate behavior within her Dad. They ended the conversation by expressing concern over the treatment of former President Trump because they could use what they are using against him, against anyone!

South African Wildlife and Music Experiences:
John and Chad talked to Cashel Reilly who shared his experiences living near wildlife in South Africa, with Cashel having encounters with lions, leopards, and buffalos. They discussed what to do if one encounters a lion. The conversation also covered experiences as musicians in South Africa, where gun culture is prevalent and music is considered essential. Cashel shared his shift from leading his own bands to performing session work and live shows for other artists and how the Covid-19 lockdown affected his music career. The nature of musical talent was also discussed, with the consensus being that anyone can learn music theory and play an instrument, but having a natural musical ear is a gift. Towards the end, Cash revealed that his band has a new album coming out in May.

South Africa: Culture, Politics and Corruption:
The conversation between Cashel, Chad and John revolved around experiences and impressions of South Africa, its culture, and politics. They discussed the contrast between the developed areas and slums of Johannesburg and Cape Town, comparing it to the movie District 9. The discussion then shifted to the issue of land redistribution in South Africa, with Cashel providing insights into the complexity of the situation, including the involvement of various political groups and the historical context of apartheid. The conversation also touched on the relationship between farmers and the local community and the perceived corruption among politicians. Towards the end, they discussed the current socio-political climate in South Africa, highlighting the government's use of racial divisions to distract from their actions, as well as the growing disillusionment among the younger generation.

South African Politics and Athletes Discussion:
JRo, Chad Gracey and Cashel started by sharing personal anecdotes and watching a Netflix documentary about Elon Musk. The conversation then shifted to the possibility of Elon Musk or Dave Matthews running for political office in South Africa. John shared a tragic story about Dave Matthews' sister, which was new information to the others. The conversation then shifted to an athlete who identified as a woman and had also won gold medals at the Olympics. The participants also discussed a concert at the Jo Dome in South Africa.

South Africa's Sports, Politics and Power Challenges:
The team discussed their South Africa's recent sports achievements, such as the Rugby team's success in the Webex cup and UFC fighter, Dricus Du Plessis's recent win. They also touched on the political and social landscape, including an upcoming national election. The conversation highlighted the country's history, including its transition to democracy and the role of their power supplier, Escom. The guys also discussed the impact of planned power outages on businesses and the people in SA, with Cashel explaining that despite the hardships, there is a sense of camaraderie among the South African people. The conversation concluded with a reflection on the contrasting attitudes towards community and individualism in South Africa versus the USA.

Technology, Safety and Law Concerns:
Cashel, John and Chad Gracey had a discussion about the changes they've observed in the younger generation, particularly the increased use of technology and its impacts on children's behavior and safety. They also shared their safety concerns, with Cashel mentioning his worries about crime and punishment, including theft and violence in shanty towns, illegal immigration, and petty theft in California. Additionally, they expressed their frustration over the state of the law in New York and California, particularly the issue of cashless bail and the normalization of terms like 'shopping without money' to describe theft. They also touched on the problem of self-defense laws.

2020 U.S. Election and Immigration Concerns:
The discussion primarily revolved around the 2020 U.S. presidential election, with the participants expressing their views on Joe Biden's victory and his leadership. They also touched on societal issues such as gender politics, COVID-19 responses, and immigration policies. The participants expressed concern over the open borders policy, claiming that Biden's administration was making it easy for illegal immigrants to cross the border. They also discussed the impact of U.S. funding of the Ukraine war, with John expressing doubt about the relevance of the funding to U.S. interests. The conversation also highlighted the flow of money within the military industrial complex of the United States, with the participants expressing concern over the discrepancy in funding and the presence of unaccounted purposes.

Music, China and Covid: A Multifaceted Discussion:
The meeting covered a variety of topics, from China's financial influence and labor practices to the music industry. Cashel shared his experiences with Chinese construction projects in Mozambique and his musical endeavors, expressing a desire to release two or three songs at a time with interest from a record label. The guys criticized record labels for allegedly ripping off artists and discussed the benefits of being an independent artist. They also shared their passion for a Live's performances in South Africa and discussed the impact of Covid on the music industry.

Music, Bands and Future Plans:
The conversation was primarily focused on music, with the participants sharing their experiences and observations about various bands and artists. They discussed the popularity of certain bands in South Africa, with a particular focus on the band Foo Fighters. They also touched upon the difficulties faced by bands due to the crowd size. The conversation then shifted to the Live's song "Shit Towne" and the solo played by Ed Kowalczyk. The participants also made plans for a future show and discussed the whereabouts of a missing guest, Dylan. Towards the end, they agreed to have Cashel back on the show.

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