Here's What Happens When You Fall Asleep At The Pool

6 years ago

Imagine the following scenario. You are on vacation in a resort near a beach. What’s even more exciting is the resort also happens to have a great pool of their very own. Oh, goody goody; you don’t have to go down to the beach, sand filling your bathing suit and rubbing you in all the wrong places. You can just order a beer and lounge back on the reclining chairs, with the soothing warmth of the sun bathing you all over….

Next thing you know, you wake up from your sun-induced slumber, it has been three hours and you feel sort of stiff all over your body. It must be the chair, you think to yourself. Or is it? Everything you do with your body aches all over and you feel...crispy. Well, guess what? You fell asleep under the scorching sun and you now look like Sebastian the crab! No more “Under The Sea” for you, mister!

This is what happened to our blond hero right here. Look at the shade of red on him. We don’t know if we should giggle, because it is terrible to laugh out loud, or to cry, because we feel the heat radiating from him through our screen!

His legs don’t look that terrible, but his torso...his face! Holy moly, look at that shade of crimson! Who knows what kind of ointment he has on him that makes him shine like a diamond, but we do know one thing. He can kiss the rest of his vacation goodbye!

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