John Alton How Language Media Ecosystems (LMEs) are Driving the Paradigm Shift

11 months ago

John Alton went to China to teach at Beijing University in 1987. In 1989, he was chased out of the country - and even shot at with a .50 caliber machine gun on his way to the airport.

But before the Tiananmen Square disaster was beamed all over the world, John had the incredible good fortune to be part of the greatest flowering of Qigong collaboration in Chinese history.

Qigong is Chinese exercise science - but it’s not just about stretching and movement.

At the highest level, Chinese Qigong is spooky stuff. It gives you conscious control over your autonomic nervous and immune systems to turn you into a kind of super being for health and longevity.

Imagine if you could marshall and direct your body’s self-healing system to detect and eradicate serious illness… consciously.

Well, that’s what John learned while he was there. It was this flowering of Qigong culture that led to the uprising in 1989.

I met John in 1994, not long after when he moved to Charlottesville, Virginia. This was the phase of my life when I first became interested in Chinese movement arts.

I found a teacher of Qigong and Taiji - and still practice to this day.

Years later, I would find a mentor to teach me Chinese medicine well enough that I passed the national board exam without any formal schooling.

John is a guest of high-placed Chinese officials whenever he visits their country - which is regularly. He has done and discovered things with and about Chinese medicine… their cultural heritage and mindset… and the Chinese idea of their proper place in the world of tomorrow no other person in the West has considered. He is truly a treasure trove of understanding.

Better still, John has a knack for explaining Chinese concepts in simple, everyday language Western folks can understand.

I asked John to come on the podcast to talk about the paradigm shift unfolding in front of us… and what the West doesn’t get about what is happening (especially our so-called leadership).

There is a symmetry break happening. Asians get it. They get the future favors their own epistemology and that their cultural heritage - so downplayed and degraded by Western powers during China’s Century of Humiliation - is now a principal reason they expect to win the battle for the future.

John's book can be found here:


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