A Shot In The Dark: Baby’s First Shot In The Dark (Hepatitis B) | Candace Owens | Ep. 4

1 year ago

Because Hepatitis B is a STD, it seems strange that newborns are given a vaccine to prevent it. When Candace began questioning the need for this vaccine, her research led to amorphous aluminum hydroxyphosphate sulfate, an ingredient in the Hep B vaccine with potentially concerning studies regarding its safety. She also shares four important questions concerned parents should ask their doctors about the Hepatitis B vaccine.

Here are all of the referenced links in the episode via trusted government sources:

1) The Insert listed on the FDA website:

2) Neo-natal fibroblasts from foreskin are on sale:


3) The 15 members of ACIP that make important decisions regarding immunization for our children, per the CDC website:

4) British Medical Journal raises questions about the discrepancies in past clinical trials of adjuvant AAHS (Amorphous Aluminum Hydroxyphosphate Sulfate).


5) CDC instructions for how doctors should speak to parents about vaccines, per the CDC Website:



1) Critical analysis of aluminum based adjuvants, via the NIH.Gov website:

2) Mice study regarding neurotoxicity of aluminum hydroxide adjuvant particles via the NIH.Gov website:

3) Scientific Study of the "extraordinary high amount" of aluminum content in brain tissue of those with autism spectrum disorder. This study can be found via the NIH.GOV website:

As a final side note, I received a few questions from people asking how to read the full scientific studies beyond the abstracts listed. You just need to hit the "FULL TEXT LINK" button on the upper right side of the NIH website and it will reroute you to the full study. I hope that helps!

'A Shot In The Dark' series: https://rumble.com/playlists/HfbGq2etFpw

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