Julian Assange: court considers last-ditch bid to fight US extradition

4 months ago

Lawyers representing Julian Assange, the founder of WikiLeaks, will launch a final effort on Tuesday to contest his extradition to the United States, where he could potentially face life imprisonment if convicted of espionage charges.

In a two-day hearing in the high court, the legality of extraditing Assange, an Australian native who has been detained in Belmarsh prison for nearly five years, will be scrutinized.

The court will assess whether Assange can be granted permission to appeal a 2022 extradition decision made by then-Home Secretary Priti Patel.

Supporters of Assange argue that a refusal by the court could pave the way for his transfer to the U.S., raising concerns about his declining health.

Assange has expressed a preference to appear in court in person, but he is expected to participate via video link from Belmarsh, The Guardian reported.

READ MORE: https://www.theguardian.com/media/2024/feb/20/julian-assange-court-considers-last-ditch-bid-to-fight-us-extradition

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