Journey's End: OSIRIS-REx's Farewell to Bennu 🚀

1 year ago

Join us for a reflective journey as we bid farewell to Asteroid Bennu with OSIRIS-REx. 🌠 From the exhilarating Touch-and-Go (TAG) sample acquisition event on Oct. 20, 2020, to its poignant departure on May 10, 2021, OSIRIS-REx has left an indelible mark on our understanding of these enigmatic celestial bodies. 🛰️ Let's reminisce about the milestones, discoveries, and challenges encountered during this extraordinary mission, as we celebrate the culmination of OSIRIS-REx's epic adventure in space exploration. 🌌 #OSIRISRExBennu #SpaceExploration #AsteroidMission 🚀🌠

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