Unveiling the Control Grid: The Invisible Prison of Technology and Transhumanism

11 months ago

Let's start at the beginning. The powers that control the world have been endeavoring to find a way to control the world's population. In order to do this, their plan has been to establish a control grid that covers the entire world and connects every human body as a node on the network of that grid.

The control grid they have established is called the Global Information grid, which is a worldwide network of information transmission and associated processes, which includes all the infrastructure, which is your communications networks, electronics, software, and all databases in the world. It is on this same grid that they operate something called the lethal autonomous weapons system, which is a system of weapons that are controlled remotely by people sitting behind computer screens, and sometimes they are even controlled by artificial intelligence. Included in these weapons are drones, killer robots, and electronic microwave weapons are directed energy weapons.

These weapons are capable of and are in use right now not only to kill people, but also to control people's movements, influence their thoughts and behaviors create various diseases in selected areas of society, control politics, control economies, and even control the weather and natural disasters. The way they connect every person's body is through transhumanism, which is merging humans with machines. Transhumanism is being carried out right now on an unsuspecting public through various forms of nanotechnology. They have put this technology inside of people's bodies that hooks people up to the control grid.

Now humans and their surrounding environments can be tracked, traced, influenced, controlled, this control grid overrides and violates every human right, every law and every local government and constitution of every country in the world.

Full Transcript: HERE (https://justpaste.it/wban-iot)

Psienergy PDF: (https://www.slideshare.net/slideshows/exploring-biophotons-and-bioelectromagnetics-in-the-human-biofield-and-secret-access-projects-to-access-the-human-biofield/266078851)

Intra body nano network: (https://www.slideshare.net/slideshows/intrabody-nanonetwork-brief-summary-by-mik-andersen/266083307)

Human Interaction, Emerging Technologies and Future Systems V (https://www.slideshare.net/slideshows/human-interaction-emerging-technologies-and-future-systems-v/266083355)

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