The Power You Hold over the World You See | Daily Inspiration

11 months ago

March 4 - The Power You Hold over the World You See
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This world may seem to imprison you with anger, resentment, and disappointment; yet this world is simply a reflection and physical representation of the thoughts that you value and support as real within your mind. Thus it is not this world, but the thoughts you hold about this world that hold you hostage. In the end, it is only you who can hold yourself hostage. The external environment is neutral; its neutrality is broken by your perception of it. Your perception is simply a composition and combination of beliefs that you have consented to as normal, real, and acceptable. Nothing or no one that is ‘outside’ of you can make you feel angry, resentful, or dishearten without your permission. It is you who holds the power to see the truth in all things by first recognizing it in yourself. As you recognize the power you have over your thoughts, you will start to see the true power you hold over the world you see.
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