justice for Hermit Energy Vlog

11 months ago

Justice for Hermit Energy Vlog Title is from the date February 19, 2024 thus 29 which adds to 11 The Justice card which we want it to be fair balanced and apply equally to all. The Hermit card is form the Amplitude power of nine teh Hermit card.

The Schumann Resonance Today Disclosure News site showed us two amplitudes. the first amplitude power of 13 at 2:00 AM UTC thus we have the High priestess brings us to the secret of the transformation power of death. The second amplitude power of 9 at 6:45 AM UTC thus The Wheel of Fortune gives the Hermit a change of inner wisdom. The quality power is 30.3 thus 33 the master number for the Master Teacher it is also the Lovers. The Frequency average is 7.86 hertz thus the number 21 the World or Universe card which is completion the end of the Hero's Journey.

Therefore, we can say about it all: That Justice from the inner wisdom of the Hermit on his insight on the Lovers in the World is complete. We went with the Spirit animal Oracle deck. The Card is The Emerald Dragon she is about healign a earth elemental and a font of wisdom from the Fae.

I shared a clip from the Sarah Westfall video:

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