Awareness & Knowing, Belief Is The Opposite - Enemy Of Knowing! Spitballing, See Description!

5 months ago

Believing is The Opposite, The Enemy Of Knowing!!!
You Must Stop believing The MSM, Med System, Gov, ETC!!!
You MUST Do the Work Yourself! I'm here just to help you get a leg up!!!
Actually Don't Believe Anything, Go And KNOW For Yourself!!!
The Truth Is Still True Whether You Believe It Or Not!!!
PS; I'm not to good or all the way comfortable being on camera!😁LMAO
And lately I've been having some short term memory fogginess low energy forgetfulness, maybe all the chemicals in everything and some frequencies are messin with me!!!!🤷‍♂️ Seems Inescapable at times, Its also hard to ever be sure anyway!!! But all I can do is just keep pushing forward for myself my family and for you guys! Thanks for watching!
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This Is The Real Great Awakening! More and more people are snapping out of the spell, waking up and beginning to see It All! All I really want is to help the ones waking up with me and after me to have a fighting chance to Break The Illusion, See The Lies, The Complete Deception Of This World! Never Go Against Your Gut Instinct, Its There For A Reason!💯
Compassion, Empathy & Love Are Gonna Come Back With a Vengeance! 💪
See Ya'll Out There Somewhere, I Hope! 🙏
Keep Movin, Keep On Keepin On, Much Love!!! ❤ <Well Not This One Anymore Deleted & Banned Access For "Dangerous Conspiracy Theories" 😁
NOTE: These are not necessarily All the beliefs of the uploader.
Discernment & Research IS Required to see the Truth in all of it!
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Thank You Very Much! Tony

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