Why was I left behind in the Rapture? ❤️ A Love Letter from Jesus… Listen to Me, My Child

1 year ago

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Why was I left behind in the Rapture?
A Love Letter from Jesus… Listen to Me, My Child

October 7, 2014 – Words from Jesus thru Brother Ezekiel

(Jesus) “I’m calling out to you, speaking comfort to your Heart – I’ve not left you nor will I ever leave or forsake you. I know acutely the terrible Loss you feel. At times even a sense of betrayal overtakes you. All your questions of why and where – and why am I still here and why was I left behind and what am I ever to do now?

“You must resist the temptations to simply dive back out into the world and get very busy and to take advantage now of so many so called new and exciting opportunities and careers, due to the mass vacancies in every aspect of industry, business and all around money ventures.

“No, even in your pain and bewilderment draw back from these things, pull back away from your unstable world and seek Me with all your Heart ten times the more, strongly come up to Me in true repentance and a sincere change of Heart and I will help you, I will calm your fears and welcome you back with open arms.

“You are not lost, in the coming days you will see more and more, just how much I still truly love you. Even if a mother forsakes her child, I will not abandon you, I am forever here to save you – you are still My Child, so very very precious and cherished by Me. You are still My Treasure and I am with you, even now.

“The question burning in your mind… But why, oh My Lord why? Why, why was I left behind? My Child, you were never meant to be excluded from the Rapture. It was My merciful provision for all of My Children, indeed My Church, My Body, My Bride, you were to be part of the Evacuation, that took place, to keep you from having to live in and witness the most horrible time of suffering upon the earth, that has ever been or ever will be.

“You began well, however in time, you began to become more and more intrenched in the world, though still a Christian in Name and Affiliation, you began to draw more and more away, often to many distractions, and the time we used to share, became less and less.

“You knew, that you were beginning to compromise more and more with the world over your faith and so you stopped speaking to Me, that combined with your new relationships and your new liberal ways of thinking caused you to begin looking down at other souls around you and judging them.

“You began to look down on them and the things that they held dear, even going as far as holding in scorn and contempt the Joy they expressed at the nearness of My Coming.

“And by the time I arrived, all you could do was stand in fear and shame for the very thing, you were destined to believe and be a part of, and what just had happened right in front of you. But because you did not believe, watch and pray, and I came as a thief in the night, you were not prepared. And therefore I could not take you.

You ask of Me, what now? Stay close, stay ever so close to Me now. Pray for the Grace to have Me always in your Heart and Mind, My Name ever on your Tongue, you must hold tightly to the Hem of My Garment and never for a second let Me go again. Develop the habit of thanking Me always and everywhere.

“Have Me ever before your Mind’s Eye. This you must pray for also and I will give it. I’m with you already as it is, but you need to be able to sense Me, feel Me and interact with Me, speaking to Me always as your most trusted Friend. I am keenly interested in your every thought and feeling, so long as you strive to stay lowly and humble, being very little in your own eyes. I will forever be your most trusted Friend and Confidant.

“Nothing draws Me more closely, than very small and childlike souls. I stay closer to them than their own skin and I will be with you. I know, that you are still in a great state of bewilderment and the rest of the world around you is in a terrible state of disarray. But I also know, that you are already beginning to feel an inexplicable, supernatural peace and calm within.

“I will continue to give you this gift and you will be able to think and reason with remarkable clarity. Do not worry about your needs, as you can see, I have provided for you in every way, people will continue to give to you everything that you will need, seemingly out of the blue and you will quickly begin to experience, just how truly beautiful a real Life of Faith is, even through these extraordinary circumstances.

“Nothing is out of My Control and nothing is allowed without My Consent. I have made every provision for you ahead of time. You have no need to be anxious at all, only keep your Heart and Eyes on Me, you are My precious Child and I will not allow anyone or anything to harm you.

“I have set My Angels all around you to watch over you day and night. Not only will you be provided for but you will know My loving Care and the surety of My Faithfulness, as I bring an over abundance to provide for Others.

“You will begin to meet Others who like you have repented as well and through their own brokenness have been fully restored in profound humility and whose Hearts are solely for Me and the Kingdom of God alone. I will gather again My People as a Mother her little Children.

“And I will bring them through this time of trial and testing victoriously. They will shine like the Stars in the Firmament of Heaven – twice refined. They will rule and reign with Me as they have persevered and come through gloriously – through the time of Tribulation.”

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