Did Obama Commit Massive Blatant Treason?

1 year ago

A Top Secret 2016 United Kingdom Government Communications Headquarters document signed off by GCHQ Director Robert Hennigan under the umbrella of New World Order loon Boris Johnson details an operation known as ‘Project Fulsome’. Boldly stating

1. On 28 August 2016, GCHQ/CSO filed for permission to execute Project FULSOME at the request of the US President seeking intelligence gathering into the Trump Organization and Donald J Trump for President, inc.....Activities include foreign and US domestic signals collection, in regards to communications with Russian hostile actors.
2. IOCCO approved FULSOME on 15 September 2016, allowing 90 days of initial SIGINT gathering, with the potential for renewal, should the situation allow. This memo's purpose is to request a 90 day renewal of FULSOME's original charter, with further potential for renewal, thereafter.
3. Since FULSOME's start, a clear pattern of actionable leads have accrued, both from the Trump campaign itself, from former MI5 agent Michael Steele, and from others.
4. US National Security Advisor Rice has requested that we continue our surveillance during the transition period, as internal US intelligence is potentially compromised by the incoming Trump Administration.
5. For these reasons, we are requesting that FULSOME's charter be renewed for another 90 days.

Sincerely Robert Hannigan Director, GCHQ

The verification of the document is still in question. However, General Flynn has referenced the document several times for years.

If the document is verified to be real. And these things take time, Hunter's laptop for example, then it only goes to backup what we all saw with our own eyes and ears. Barack Obama, hellbent on maintaining his Executive power, in league with global intelligence agencies conspired to commit treason on a scale that makes Watergate look like a caveman having a picnic.

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