2/22/24 Peace Through Strength (Allegedly) "God Removes King and Raises Up Kings" part 4 S3E5p4

10 months ago

2/22/24 Peace Through Strength (Allegedly) "God Removes King and Raises Up Kings" part 4
We can’t claim to take a prophetic view of a current event and not spend some time in Daniel chapter 11! Regular viewers of this show know that I believe Daniel 11 is prophecy for right now, and accordingly we will conclude our discussions about President Biden’s recent disastrous press conference by studying it out. What do the repetitive battles between the King of the North and the King of the South have anything to do with an old man confusing Mexico with Egypt or forgetting the details of his son’s death? How does this ancient writing prepare us for what it coming next? All that and more, today on Something’s Happening Here.

Recently President Biden held a press conference that many have labeled as a disaster for him. Something’s Happening Here will analyze it from a prophetic view this week.

Season 3 Episode 5
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