explaining bitcoin to an 8 year old

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coldcard: https://store.coinkite.com/promo/BC20...

if you would like to donate sats to the cause: knggolf@walletofsatoshi.com

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set up a 1-on-1 session with Jor: https://calendly.com/silverstones/30min


The daily bitcoin journey is a live show, every morning at 8am CST, focused on actionable and logical discussion for bitcoiners and future bitcoiners.

Today's episode discussed a recent success story in bitcoin. An orange-pilling story. I don't love that term honestly but it's exactly what happened.

Yesterday was a historical day in my bitcoin journey as my hairdresser gave me the NOD to pay her in bitcoin.

The purpose of today's show and the story was to give some guidance for all the bitcoiners out there who are interested in growing their bitcoin network. Instead of trying to convince the entire world that they need bitcoin, start by focusing your time on those within your own network.

The moral of this story was that everyone is a bitcoiner - they might just not know it yet.

They have to understand how our current monetary system working before they can understand why bitcoin is far superior.

You have to meet people where they are in their own journey. Focus on their needs and their lens of the world and start there. Take it very slow and find the best way to relate to where they are.


We also talked about the new segment of this show - LIVIN IN THE FUTURE. Once or twice a week, we will have a deep and thought-provoking discussion on living in the future. We have a very small window of opportunity here and we have to take advantage of this. Whether you're a new or advanced bitcoiner, this segment will have something for ANYONE looking to pounce on this opportunity. Check out the LIVIN IN THE FUTURE tier in the patreon for more info!

If you would like to create a bitcoin strategy for yourself, your family, or your business, please contact me at 88sats@proton.me!

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