Barack Obama aka Barry Soetoro: "RENEGADE"

4 months ago

“In 2008…rumours of a ‘high-level’ Asset who was here on a Student Visa…who worked for several Intelligence Agencies…Saudi Secret Service and the CIA…was being sent as a Political Asset to destroy America from within…” @NewsBowne

ARREST Barack Hussein Obama for TREASON.

Obama (Secret Service Name: RENEGADE) was the political rent boy groomed by Prince Al Waleed Talal. Obama has an interesting family tree to put it mildly, a gay black man with a tranny wife (Michael LeVaughn Robinson), who had a penchant for ice cream, pizza, hot dogs, and hot sauce. His Obamacare was used to track the birth of every child... I wonder why. An extremely evil scumbag, a pedophile, a deceiver, and a traitor

As for the UK and it's major contribution to world unrest, poverty, famine, wars, child trafficking, US election interference ... I cannot see them escaping retribution from the Restored Republic of the United States of America...I am sure God's wrath will be swift and furious.

As for Boris ain't looking' good is it?

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