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  • 0/2000
  • When Trump gets in, he needs to clean house fire everybody at the top deal with the legal challenges later “Just Clean House”

  • Seven to ten million fled Ukraine for western nations. Seven million have allegedly moved to safety in Russia. Just how accurate those figures are I do not know for sure.

  • Today is --Monday - Feb. 19th 2024 ---- And >>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> T r e a s o n >> Joe the hiden biden is the worst fake president in the history of the USA------------------------ Treason Joe And The T r e a s o n Hoe ------------and the whole T r e a s o n crew needs to go ----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- #ENOUGH IS ENOUGH ----------------------------------- #PULL THE BANDAID OFF ALREADY ------------------- GOD BLESS THE USA ------------------ Fix 2 0 2 0 or bust ------------------------- God Bless Are Military ----------Honor are Veterans --------- Stand for are Flag ------- Love your country -- Amen

    1 like
  • Rumble keeps freezing up..

    1 like
  • Bongino says no way Mike runs

    1 like
  • way too many commercials on this show....cant watch it....same 5 spots over and over and over and throw in pillow boy...im out

    1 like
  • Kissinger wasn't German at all...

    1 like
  • President Regan broke the financial back of the Soviet Union (USSR- CCCP in cyrillic) with two programs 1) The Strategic Defense Initiative (SDI) and 2) our development of multi-spectral low observable technology (Stealth) with the F-117 program. He did not have to fire a single shot. Going forward, President Trump will break the financial back of the CCP (PRC) in the same way. He will not need to fire a single shot. In the latter case, President Trump will do it with tariffs, not a shot will be fired. God Bless our Republic

    1 like
  • The Tucker Carlson interview with Steve Benz was epic, mindblowing, and incredible. I had to watch it more than once. It is a must see.

    1 like
  • NBC=No Body Conscious

    1 like
  • Remember when a storm, couldn't be called X? Roman number, because Xi Jinping, said NO. because, his name. NOW, Everything, seems, to start with X.

    1 like
  • she is a female Chris Christie just thinner

  • CIA overthrew legit Ukraine democracy in 2014 and Installed a military junta . Then sicked the Ukraine Nazi Azov Battalion to war on Russians in E Ukraine . They’ve been pleading with Putin to save them for years . Now he has . Putin didn’t start this War . He’s ending it .

  • the Dem lovers in the comments never come out and say what's good about their side or Biden. the first rule in sales is to promote your product and not just condemn the competition. Yet these fools that Love Biden can only criticize Trump and his supporters while not promoting their good elements or the Biden presidency. Their side is bereft of positive words. so sad

  • God Bless you Mike I read your book of recovery. ❤️‍🩹 Congratulations on your 7th anniversary of sobriety. My son struggled with addiction for many years but your story was heartfelt and inspiring. Love my pillows. ❤️🙏🏻❤️🙏🏻❤️🙏🏻❤️🙏🏻❤️🙏🏻❤️🙏🏻❤️