Negative48 - Glorious Times Ahead

7 months ago

2020 was when the war surfaced to the public, God's IQ test began...Fear or Faith, Dark or Light, Good or Evil, God or Satan...however you wish to look at it. You should now know which side you chose, and those that chose the dark...well you had a few years of running amok, exposing yourselves....thanks for that. Soon, the sleeping masses will be awakened.

Those who are drenched in Trump Derangement Syndrome really are confused people, their egos, their arrogance, their ignorance, their stupidity, gullibility, and poor discernment, steered by hatred and division will soon become a weight around your necks. Free yourself of this, ditch the programming. Those who did nothing to help bring the light will one day have to face their inaction, there is still time to listen and learn the truth.

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