2 officers, 1 first responder killed at the scene of a domestic call in Minnesota

4 months ago

On Sunday, a man armed with multiple guns and ample ammunition fired upon police officers from inside a suburban Minneapolis residence, where children were present.

This tragic incident resulted in the deaths of two officers and a firefighter who was administering medical aid to one of the wounded, according to authorities.

The shooting occurred in Burnsville, Minnesota, in a neighborhood of two-story homes. A third officer sustained injuries in the incident, and the suspect in the shooting also lost his life, as confirmed by officials.

Minnesota Bureau of Criminal Apprehension Superintendent Drew Evans revealed that there was an exchange of gunfire, and the details of the incident were still being pieced together.

The firefighter, who also served as a paramedic, was shot while providing assistance to an injured officer during a domestic situation. The paramedic was part of a SWAT team responding to the scene.

Inside the residence, the armed suspect had barricaded himself with his family, including seven children ranging from 2 to 15 years old.

Negotiations persisted for hours before the suspect initiated gunfire, the Associated Press reported.

READ MORE: https://apnews.com/article/officers-medic-shot-killed-burnsville-minnesota-e742b13f0d2ddca009e38337f46435b5

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