The Extraordinary Story of First Ever Landing On Planet VENUS Only Venus Landings in Last 50 years

3 months ago

In the 1970s and 1980s, the Soviet Union sent five landers on the surface of Venus, and each survived for more than 30 minutes. Nobody has tried it since.

From time to time, someone will upload images from the Venera missions on Reddit, and everyone goes "Nice". And yes, it is really cool that these images exist. But have you ever thought what it takes to create a system capable of capturing those images? So, how did they do it?

In this video, I'd like to discuss the Venera space series and the engineering behind this incredible achievement.

In a rush? Using the chapter links provided below, you can easily skip ahead in this video.

00:00 Venera Venus Mission
00:25 What Happened to Venera 4?
01:12 The Evolution of Venera Space Probes
02:10 What Happened to Venera 7?
03:45 What Happened to Venera 8 Mission?
04:35 Evolution of Soviets Venera Missions
04:52 Taking Pictures on Planet Venus
05:41 Real Audio from Venus Planet


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