#87- Ephesians, Part 12, "For This Cause - Part 2"

6 months ago

There’s been a huge paradigm shift where God no longer dwells in temples made by men. He now dwells in men.

He's building Himself a house, and it’s those He has brought into the new birth and are being intertwined relationally in love. When we come together in that assembled love by the Spirit of God, we become a dwelling place for God. It is there God promises to manifest His presence.

God wants to do a mighty work in this new paradigm. He wants you to come to the mountain alone with Him where He can transfigure you. You are invited to meet with God until He strengthens you with might in your inner man according to the working of His power and He fills you with His glory.

God wants to come into you to save, heal, deliver, and transform you so Christ can live in you.  It's all done through faith in His word. Faith pulls this out of heaven into your heart.

Instead of trying to find God in a temple, let Him find you in His temple and change you from the inside out.  Hear Him and become the tabernacle of God, a holy sanctuary, where He is pleased to dwell in you.

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