Senator Ben Cardin Discusses the US Worried About the Security Challenges Posed By Communist China

7 months ago

02/17/2024 CNBC: Democratic Senator Ben Cardin, chairman of the Senate Committee on Foreign Relations, says the security challenges posed by China are a key concern for the United States, including CCP's actions in the South China Sea and human rights issues, as well as its support for Russia’s war in Ukraine. International cooperation is crucial to enforce sanctions against Russia's incursions in Ukraine.
02/17/2024 全国广播公司: 参议院外交关系委员会主席、民主党参议员本·卡丁表示,中共国构成的安全挑战是美国的一个主要担忧,包括中共国在南海和人权问题上的问题,以及中共国对俄乌战争的支持。国际合作对于执行针对俄罗斯入侵乌克兰的制裁措施至关重要。

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