Day X Julian Assange - Final Bid How does it end?

3 months ago

Day X is Julian Assange’s final appeal against extradition to the USA on 20th and 21st February in UK – this video runs through a brief introduction about who he is, why he matters and what this is all about – a fight for freedom of speech, non-censorship of the press and a world where the serpents head is finally cut off and evil and wrongdoing exposed and eradicated.
Next week marks an important litmus test regards where we are at in the battle of light and dark on this planet. Whatever the outcome, light will win….
Looking at:
New developments since I last read on him (Sept 23) including:
Pluto moving into Aquarius.
Australian governmental pressure and the waking of the rainbow dragon at Uluru
The Trust fall Film
Also looking at:
Tug of war analogy
The potential impact of a female judge?
Media outside England & Wales denied access.
What freedom would look like for him and its conditions?
Referencing Hercules fight and eventual triumph over Hydra (beast of many heads)
The energy of Mercy – and an exercise to see how we are doing at micro level – which will impact any macro decision played out.
How you can help him, and which energies are there for you to call on for him:
Kali Ma, Quan Yin, Dragons, Commander Ashtar, Archangel Zadkiel, Archangel Metatron and Christ Consciousness.
A card reading on likely outcome of the hearing, impact of Australian delegation, and his future.
Messages from Kali Ma, Ashtar and Quan Yin
@amandaellis #Julianassange #dayx

My Two main previous videos on Julian are here (although there are other smaller updates)
Julian Assange Truth Bringer
Julian Assange End Games for Freedom

Decks Used: Tarot of Dragons Shawn MacKenzie, Deep Dark and Dangerous Oracle Stacey DeMarco, Aboriginal Healing Oracle Mel Brown, Christ Consciousness Self Mastery Oracle by Amanda Ellis & Jane Delaford Taylor

Healing & Connection Sprays: Warrior Goddess Kali Ma Liberation & Rebirth, Quan Yin Ascended Master Mercy and Compassion, Commander Ashtar, Galactic Federation, Archangel Zadkiel, Forgiveness & Transmutation, Archangel Metatron Tree of Life

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