Sound Therapy: Unlocking Altered States of Consciousness for Physical & Energetic Wellbeing

2 months ago

Hosted by Jackie Obermeyer PhD, VST | Founder of Tuned Sound Therapy

We’ve all experienced a shift in physiology, emotion and mindset triggered by sound. The first note of a song that reminds us of an ex, or one angry honk from a car horn has the power to change our state in an instant. What if we could harness that power to release negative thought patterns, clear obsolete energetic blockages, and access higher states of being? Join Jackie Obermeyer, PhD, for a discussion about sound energy as a tool for assessing energetic health, unlocking different states of consciousness, along with identifying, interrupting and replacing subconscious programming that is limiting your potential.

Talk highlights:
- Triggering the subconscious with sound–physiological effects of music, rhythm, individual frequencies
- The vibration of food and other epigenetic factors
- Energetic blockages – superficial, inter-generational and “other”
- Brainwave entrainment-interrupting and replacing unwanted subconscious programs
- Mindset training and practices for maintaining newly formed neural networks
- Exploring different states of consciousness, developing intuition, and initiating extra-dimensional and extra-sensory experiences using sound
- Using tuning forks to assess energetic health (live demonstration)
- Guided meditation and sound bath

Jackie holds a PhD in chemical and biomedical engineering from the University of Toronto with a focus on stroke and neuroplasticity. Combining this expertise with her 25 years of musical training and performance experience, she has developed a unique strategy for optimizing energetic health and wellbeing. Using specific frequencies and combinations of sounds, she works with individuals to disrupt limiting subconscious programming and implement new neuro-architecture to support the growth and evolution of their consciousness. Jackie is a certified vibrational sound therapist, with additional certifications in Precision Nutrition coaching, and level 2 Reiki.

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