How The 2nd Coming of Christ Will Change Our World

4 months ago

How The Second Coming of Christ Will Change Our World Today

Have you ever wondered how the Second Coming of Jesus Christ will change our world?

Too many times in the media today, Jesus Christ is portrayed as a weak man. But that Jesus Christ is weak could not be further from the truth. Even the strongest men today could not have endured even a minute being nailed to a Cross, and even if a few could, they could never endure the weight of the sin which was or would ever be committed by people, each sin helping drive the nails in His hands and feet and adding to his suffering on the Cross, and First Corinthians 1:25 says, the weakness of God, meaning Jesus allowing Himself to suffer for us on the Cross to take the punishment for our sins, IS MUCH STRONGER THAN ANY PERSON.

Second Peter 3:9 says that Jesus is not slack as too many in the world today count slackness, but instead is long suffering to us, not willing that any should perish, but that all should come to repentance.

But as Second Timothy says people will not endure sound doctrine, and so today have tested the Lord’s Patience, by kicking God and prayer out of schools in 1962, and allowing well over 62 million abortions since Roe vs Wade in 1973, and these things not even seeming to bother people, in fact, a recent poll says that over 60% of people in the United States did not want to see Roe v Wade overturned.

Too many today support Hollywood and media, who either ignore Jesus Christ or mock Him openly. How many times does the media shut down someone for openly acknowledging Jesus Christ as their Lord and Savior? How many churches today conform to the world, instead of encouraging the world to conform to God?

Pro-Life activists are arrested today for peacefully protesting against abortion outside abortion clinics, while pro-choice activists too often go free for defacing pro-life pregnancy resource centers.

Hollywood movies and the music industry often support Satan through hand symbols, and occult lyrics and scripts, while portraying traditional family values, respect for parents, respect for God as out dated ideas.

Candidates and others who hold traditional values are canceled by the cancel culture, in favor of those who are pushing the United Nations the one world government the infrastructure of which is being laid in place while people sleep by sustainable development goals and stakeholder capitalism.

While too many sleep we are fast approaching the time of the Tribulation Period and the one world government of the Antichrist, a totalitarian government where everything will be controlled by licenses and data and the Mark, with Quantum Computing being the brain of A.I. laying the groundwork for what will one day I believe give life to the Image of the Beast spoken about in Revelation 13:15.

We see the United States and other nations turning their back on Israel as the Bible said would happen in the End Times. These nations don’t realize that God will make Israel a burdensome stone, as it says in Zechariah 12:3, that will cut to pieces any nation who rises against it during the Tribulation Period.

Jesus says in Matthew 24:33 that when we see these things occurring we can know the Tribulation Period is even at the doors.

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