Chris Dunn Is Disappointing by Hiding Functions of Giza Pyramid Power

1 year ago

Chris wrote the Giza Power Plant where he failed to explain the Hydrolysis separating oxygen in the Crypt from Hydrogen in the Grotto.
Not only does he keep this a secret, but he still fails to explain that the Queen's Chamber functioned as a starter-engine by producing only hydrogen. That hydrogen would mix and catalyze into vibrations with oxygen from the King's Chamber shaft and entering the Sarcophagus vessel. Vibrations out of the sarcophagus excited the piezoelectric granite until enough charge began hydrolysis deeper down in the pyramid.

I figure that it was the old Tower-Of-Babel( where the electricity generated was used to run an Ai supercomputer cap-stone that also radiated digital-microwaves communications to the brainchipped minions and Initiates.

Chris even changes the purpose of one shaft to be a microwave passage for some stupid, Masonic deception purpose. He was likely chastised by his Rosicrucian-masters for exposing too much to the non-cUlt people with his "Giza Power Plant" book. So now, you can see he is pushing that vibrations from the Earth power the plant... this totally defies the need for Hydrogen from the Queen's Chamber and why the resonators in the Grand Gallery. This next book is just going to be a garbage dump that he was told to throw at who-ever is dumb enough to buy it without researching his new silly perspective.

Chis does not inform anyone that a mote of water surrounded the pyramids where head-pressure could be used to tweak internal pressures and hydrolysis rates within the power-plant.

Ancient Aliens is a fake cUlt-channel which Dunn references twice in this video about an old video explaining the Queens chamber: there is no way that Dunn became this dumb... he is doing a cover-up now.
His cover-up just goes to verify the cUlt is still worried about the non-cUlt people discovering the truth behind the lies.

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