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In order to be inspired in our quest for creating and offering Quality of
Life and/ or Quality of-end-of-life services for our individual Customers
and their families, we want to stop for a minute and think about what it
means for an individual and their families to be admitted to Intensive
Our thoughts and empathy are with every individual and their families,
who is going through the often traumatic and life changing event of being
a Patient in Intensive Care. Life can change in an instant and things will
never be the same.
Whilst most Patients get out of Intensive Care in a better condition that
they have been in, compared to when first admitted, there is a small
proportion of Patients in Intensive Care that fall under the category of
a) Requiring ongoing long- term invasive/ mechanical ventilation with
Tracheostomy with the outlook of a good Quality of Life at home, if
managed by a specialised Health Service that can focus on
possibilities and opportunities outside of a hospital environment
b) Require ongoing long or short term invasive/ mechanical ventilation
with Tracheostomy with the outlook of a good Quality of-end-of-life
at home with dignity, privacy and peace of mind, if managed by a
specialised Health service, as opposed to approaching their end-oflife
in a hospital environment, with very little or no dignity and
privacy and a lack of options of how and where they wish to
approach their end-of-life
c) Very rapidly approach their end-of-life in Intensive Care, as the
clinical realities of their illness/ injury leaves little or no option, but
to accept the limitations of what modern medicine is able to provide
for humans in a clinical environment.
This leaves relatives, but also hospital employees such as nurses,
doctors and other allied health professionals encountering those
tragedies in utter despair and it makes us acutely aware of life’s
limitations imposed on us.
INTENSIVE CARE AT HOME™’s services are therefore focused on a)
and b), with a clear distinct service that hospitals and other nonspecialised
health services are unable to provide.
Our very Philosophy is based on a successful model of Home
Intensive Care Nursing, that has been successfully operating in
mainly European countries such as Germany, Austria and
Switzerland since the late 1990’s, INTENSIVE CARE AT HOME™ very
much believes that current Intensive Care Hospital Services in
Australia can no longer ignore that a demand for an extension of
their services exists for a particular Patient/ Client group.
With that in mind, INTENSIVE CARE AT HOMEâ„¢ is striving towards
service optimisation with a focus on Quality of Life for long- term
mechanically ventilated Customers with Tracheostomy and their
families in their own homes and/or focus on Quality-of-end-of-life
for long term mechanically ventilated Customers with Tracheostomy
and their families...

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