Michael Harrell interview on SC&F (Missing & Begining Part of the Show)

5 months ago

I had technical issues the night of the interview with Sir Michael Harrell, the Mystic guru, known as Mr. Beans, of the Pork N Beans show. Apparently, I had too much fun and questioned or challenged one too many claims that night. It's true; I have many issues with the Cult of Sasquatch and can clearly see things are being taken way too far. And like all members of a cult hive mind, they always end up being manipulating and overly defensive when you start poking holes at their faith. I like Michael, and he called me the next morning. Even though he was controlling and, once again, barely let me finish a sentence, it seems that we're on good terms.
As far as JT? He's avoiding me like the plague. What can one say?

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