Benjamin Fulford videos compilations updates from January 25 to Feb. 9 2024

11 months ago
Benjamin Fulford Friday Q&A Video
Chop: updates EBS/GLOBAL GREAT AWAKENING reporting/crimes against humanity/annual 8 million children are are tortured and harvest adrenochrome facilities
Benjamin Fulford Friday Q&A Video 01/26/2024
A high-level government official (this person has been alone in the room with US Presidents and Israeli Prime Ministers) has given us very detailed and actionable intelligence on child torture facilities located across the US, the UK and elsewhere. It includes the names and addresses of the torturers, the names of the tortured children and the exact location of the torture centers.
The first PDF file contains the names of 540 children who are still being tortured daily. The second one contains the names of 400 children who were tortured to death. If you find your missing child’s name on the list, we promise we will leave no stone unturned to either rescue or get justice for your child. This is possible because the files contain the names and home addresses of 456 “adrenochrome harvesters,” the euphemism they use for child torturers

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