Ukraine is the poorest country WTF

1 year ago

So where did the 400billion go. People
Must hang for political crimes. Enough is enough. Stealing from the world to moeny launder is a hangable crime.

Ukraine got more funding then it actually ever produced GDP. So we are giving them more then they ever made in history and .
Its gone.

Problem with the world is politicians are above the law.

Nobody ever touches them. BB keeps doing Genocide contrary tp ICC ruling.

Canadian politics make US deep state look like a kitten. Tredeau and Freeland and the WEF controlled Parliament have literally destroyed the country and pushed over 50 000 assisted suicides . 1-5 are government worlers so Canadians are literally killing Canada and they obey the elitists and destroy the country at a rate thats making Canada a 3rd world country.

This is what happens when politicians are above the law

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