2021 Compression Breakthrough

4 months ago

Starseeds - this is a HUGE opportunity for every single one of us to REALLY STEP UP OUR SPIRITUAL GAME! We do not have to wait lifetimes and lifetimes for this to occur - this QUANTUM LEAP IN CONSCIOUSNESS is available to every single one of us right now!!

There is a point reached in our spiritual evolution where the LIGHT within us outweighs the dark. It is the point at which we are more focused on our INNER work and in our CREATOR powers versus the demands and distractions of our negative EGO, amongst other things.

This is referred to as the Compression Breakthrough and many of us who are working steadfastly on our spiritual path and not aiding our egoic patterns have received the energies required for this QUANTUM LEAP on December 21st, 2020. These energies will continue throughout 2021 and PEAK around Winter Solstice 2021 (December 21st, 2021).

Some of the many effects of this Compression Breakthrough are:

- heightened awareness and guidance

- a harmonized ego

- you'r not ruled by your EGO triggers any longer, but are more aligned to DIVINE WILL

- the chaos of the outside world doesn't have as much impact on your inner-state; in other words you can move forward with great momentum without being rocked around by the stormy waters around you

- a lot less resistance in doing things that are good for you; these become second nature to you. In other words, you are no longer controlled by the clutches of the matrix

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With our love,
EldoRa & Siman

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