The Supernatural significance of 12/23/23, 123123, part 6

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Numbers have always held a significant place in Elohim’s Word. They carry supernatural symbolism and reveal deep insights.

Last year ended with a combination of numbers, 123123. There are possible and real interpretations of this numerical sequence. Their ramifications are staggering in the context of Elohim’s Word.

The last day of the year 2023, 12/31/23, is seen as a prophetic angelic number. It signifies a special kind of fresh start, revolving around prophetic fulfillments that are referred to in Elohim’s Word.

Scriptural gematria has supernatural significance in numbers. Many biblical scholars and believers, such as myself, find hidden types and shadows within numerical sequences found in biblical texts.

To segue into this sermon and this prophetic word, we must come to understand how new believers are seen in Yahweh’s eyes. New believers are seen as large lumps of coal, becoming diamonds in the rough.

Diamonds are created from coal that is put under tremendous amount of pressure for long periods of time. Believers are formed into diamonds through pressure placed on us through the Father’s discipline.

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