EPISODE 12 - ADDICTION IS NOT A DISEASE - Dr Stanton Peele vs Gabor Maté, Who's Right?

1 year ago

EPISODE 12 - ADDICTION IS NOT A DISEASE - Dr Stanton Peele Explains Why This Theory Does More Harm Than Good.
A catalyst for the term "codependency" Dr Peele has spent more than 50 years arguing why AA and other 12-Step programs are hurting more people than they're helping.
In that time he's written 16 books including the best seller "Love & Addiction" as well his memoir which was just released titled "A Scientific Life on the Edge:
My Lonely Quest to Change How We See Addiction"
I was honored to have the time to chat with him and I really hope others enjoy listening.
For more Information on Dr Stanton Peele Please visit :

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