Comments 12 and 13: The Call for Black Empowerment: A Sobering Perspective

11 months ago

Comment Number 12 is on Dr. Boyce Watkins’ channel and Comment Number 13 is on Antonio Moore’s Black Excellence, Black Wealth, Black Power channel. It is time for Black people worldwide to accept a sobering fact -- we are just as much to blame for our pitiful state more so than Whites and others. Black people did not force the Orientals or the Europeans to create advanced civilizations. Millions of Black people must choose to work together, organize themselves, discipline themselves and challenge themselves to achieve higher standards of existence. Obamacare IS a con job and Obama IS a con man from start to finish. Hillary and the Democrats have been using Black people to promote their agendas for years and the dimwitted I-want-something-for- nothing-crowd have been wiped out for years and will continue to be wiped out for years into the future. Who wants a race of people that must be taken care of like new born babies in a crib in their country? Millions of Black people must grow up and accept responsibility for our own failures.

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