Julian Assange: Systemic Failure of the Judiciary and Media

10 months ago

The Australian Julian Assange has been detained in the Belmarsh high-security prison in London for 4 ½ years now. However according to Prof. Nils Melzer, the UN Special Rapporteur on Torture, since Assange is innocent, this detainment is illegal. Melzer is Human Rights Chair of the Geneva Academy of International Humanitarian Law and Human Rights. He is also Professor of International Law at the University of Glasgow.

In 2010, Julian Assange published material via his internet platform Wikileaks which, among other things, provided evidence of war crimes committed by the USA during the Iraq war. Instead of the judiciary taking action to investigate this evidence and punish these crimes, the US government (Unpunished atrocities of the US-government: https://www.kla.tv/14445 ) launched a real manhunt for Assange.

The USA submitted an extradition request to the UK after several global media smear and slander campaigns were launched against Assange. Before his illegal detention, Assange had sought protection from political persecution at the Ecuadorian embassy in London. This protection was withdrawn in 2019. British authorities then used force to abduct him from the embassy. He was then incarcerated in London’s Belmarsh high-security prison and is there to this day. In the meantime, British courts have dealt with the USA’s extradition request. (Further unpunished atrocities by the US- and British Government: https://www.kla.tv/11731)

In the first instance, a British court ruled that Assange may not be extradited. However, he was not subsequently released. When the USA appealed against this verdict, the extradition request was granted in second instance. A final hearing will now take place before the highest instance of the British High Court on February 20th and 21st, 2024.

In a public speech, UN Special Rapporteur Prof. Nils Melzer described how Assange, by publishing the secret documents and videos was essentially shining a spotlight on the US government’s war crimes. This also brought to light their violations of the law under the guise of the law as well as the serious violations of human rights. But then the tables turned and the spotlight turned towards Julian Assange.

From this point on, the media only discussed his character and mistakes and no longer the crimes committed by the US government. Despite massive evidence, no one was held accountable. And instead, the very person exposing these atrocities is now being persecuted as a criminal. Julian Assange exposed torture, but now he is being tortured himself. In his speech, the UN Special Rapporteur rightly denounces this injustice and encourages everyone to turn their attention back to the real criminals:

Speech by Nils Melzer (Kla.TV-program www.kla.tv/JulianAssange/15785)

“So I think it is high time for all of us to turn on our own spotlights and point them at the elephant in the room (meaning the real criminals) and stop debating the personality of a man who has done more than enough to serve our society. The time has come to realize what is at stake here. We cannot allow states to have uncontrolled power. People cannot handle uncontrolled power. That’s why we have the separation of powers, that’s why we have created the system of mutual control. But these controlling bodies, these branches of state and government tend to collaborate with each other if we don’t monitor them. And that’s why we have the free press which is tasked to do just that. But a press that doesn’t do that is not free. It is no press at all. It is just a public relations department of these governments. So the emergence of Wikileaks simply is a natural consequence of the media not doing their job. Because someone has to inform and empower the public. And now it’s up to us to step into the breach. Yes, this is about Julian Assange. But it is even more about all of you, your children and your families. Looking 20 years forward, will you still feel you can find out the truth about what your government is doing? Or will it then have become a crime to inform you about what your government is doing with your tax money to other people who are not guilty of any wrongdoing? So it is up to us, we need to take our own spotlights and shine them on the elephant in the room.”

In closing this broadcast, we would like to show you some simple but very effective ways in which each individual can step into the breach or shine a light on the elephant, in other words, on the actual criminal:

1. Raise your voice and share this information with all those around you who do not yet know about this.


2. Regularly distribute our Kla.TV broadcasts to interested people.

3. Distribute our free weekly internet independent newspaper “Voice & Countervoice / V&C” also to interested people in your area.

Contact us here: https://tinyurl.com/ttu8a2td

4. Take part in demonstrations calling for the release of Julian Assange. Dates can be found under the following links.

Find a protest near you: https://www.stellaassange.com/#protests


Like this, you also can help to create light and to help people to form mature opinions.
If you, dear viewers, do not hesitate to get involved here, a worldwide chain reaction of creating light will occur. And then the time of the elephant in the dark is over with.

from tzi./ck./tz.
Julian Assange
Book: Der Fall Julian Assange, Nils Melzer, München 2021, Piper Verlag, S.14 ff

Hearing before the British High Court

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Speech by Nils Melzer:

Actions for the release of Julian Assange:

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