7 months ago

He is to be pitied:
A life so lived is a life wasted, and more is the pity.

I know such a person and he is the object of my pity. For a long time I tried to help him to realize some purpose, to leave a mark, to uplift society as a whole. My failure to do this is not as much a reflection on myself as it is largely his. He has repeatedly refused help from many far wiser than himself, more satisfied it seems with his wasted existence and meaningless life.

● He’s never published a book.
● He’s never sold a work of his own art.
● He’s never fathered or raised a child.
● He’s never pursued a career.
● He’s never supported himself in house and home.
● He’s never left a mark of distinction on society or anyone else for that matter.

Living in his late mid-life, he has never sweated a power bill, loan payment, house payment, tax payment, food bill, hospital bill, or any of those things all ‘normal’ people struggle with at least once in their adult lifetime.

●The tree that grows in the wind grows strongest●

This would already be a tragedy except for the fact that this man, living in the shelter of a family trust, a ‘trust baby’ if you will, except that he fancies himself wise. Wisdom is not born of those whose own lives have been so sheltered as to leave them soft, weak, and foolish. Such a lack of wisdom makes anyone a fool.

This man has never realized the difference between knowledge and wisdom. Anyone can acquire knowledge. Our universities dispense much knowledge ranging from ancient history to space age technology, but they cannot dispense wisdom.

Wisdom is made up of three (3) parts, sides of a triangle if you will. These sides are Knowledge, Experience, and Time. Only when these three sides of ‘The Wisdom Triangle’ are present can wisdom be.

Knowledge + Experience + Time = Wisdom

Our subject has never had those experiences that make men out of boys, women out of girls. This lack of experience on such a monumental scale cannot help but make him an educated middle-aged fool.

He cannot be reasoned with because in his heart he knows what he is and is constantly on the defensive. He is painfully aware of his extreme failing brought about by being pampered throughout his life. He knows he was raised never having such ultimate responsibilities as children, taxes, and self-support. Ever burdened by this guilt he can only turn on others and try as he may to bring them down so that he appears to have risen.

“A life unaccomplished is a life wasted.”

You likely know someone like this. I surely do. He is deserving only of pity, not praise or respect. The only respect he deserves is that which Our Lord commands us to offer even a perfect stranger.

We are to love this loser, but we needn’t associate ourselves with him nor are we to approve of his ignorant and self-serving actions and attitude. If he is in danger and you can save his life or limb, you are required to do so. However, we are not required to brush the dust from his cloak after a close call.

Keep these things in mind because: “A life is a terrible thing to waste.” Association with him and his ilk can only bring you down, because he refuses to be raised up. In his opinion, he is at the zenith of his life.

Now that sucks.

I’m Max, and that’s the way I see it!

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