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Bible & Science With Dr. Stella Immanuel

10 months ago

Topic of the day: "The Beast in Revelation 13 Revealed in front of the UN HQ in NY"
Watch "Bible and Science With Dr. Stella Immanuel" LIVE on Brighteon.tv every Wednesday from 5:00 pm EST - 6:00 pm EST
Learn more and visit: drstellamd.com
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Purchase Dr. Stella Immanuel's book: "Let America Live" on her website.
In Let America Live by Dr. Stella Immanuel, you will discover the truth about hydroxychloroquine, the agenda of the Left, and how Immanuel herself was discredited by the media because of her scientifically-backed endorsement of using hydroxychloroquine on COVID patients.
How to pray for America: 10 Point plan to disciple America back to God - https://drstellamd.com/10-point-plan-to-disciple-america-back-to-god/
Welcome To Fire Power Ministries – A Deliverance Ministry: https://firepowerministry.org/
Find Christian books on prayer, deliverance, and on spiritual warfare featured by firepower: https://deliverancebookstore.com/

Source: https://www.brighteon.com/d0bab089-59a5-43f3-bd35-f6d688d3785a

This video is from BrighteonTV channel


  • 0/2000
  • Well it says in the hand, and in the head, not on the hand, or on the head. So if any truth to the graphene/nanotech moving around from injection site, it could move to the hand, to the head and it would be in. Might not of been it yet, but they have a patent for the injectable currency system that could be it. One thing is, all these denominations teaching that we wont be here for that, also fail to mention that it is said to not take this mark if you are the Lords, so for that to be a option, you have to be here for it. All these ones teaching pre-tri rapture, are basically contradicting Christ in Mathew 24, Luke 21, and Mark 13 when the disciples asked Him when He(Jesus) is coming and what are the signs. He said you will have tribulation. He mentions all the things that have to happen before His return, and He doesn't return until the sun and moon go dark. So teaching his return is imminent at any time, that can not be correct until after the sun and moon go dark. That is the sign He said happens, then His return is soon. No date or time, but that is what He says.

  • We are here for trib, not wrath. Tribulation is what the world does to us, wrath is what God does to world. Not the same. Many seem to miss that wrath and trib are not the same thing. Difference between day of Christ, and Day of Lord.