Dave Emory | Anti-Fascist Archives #28 | The CIA, the Military & Drugs Part 5 of 5 (1987)

11 months ago

Dave Emory's five part series on the CIA and the global drug trade:

Find Part 1 Here: https://rumble.com/v4e2ryk-dave-emory-anti-fascist-archives-24-the-cia-

Find Part 2 Here:

Find Part 3 Here: https://rumble.com/v4e2utw-dave-emory-anti-fascist-archives-26-the-cia-the-military-and-drugs-part-3-o.html

Find Part 4 Here:

ORIGINAL: https://spitfirelist.com/anti-fascist-archives/rfa-24-28-the-cia-the-military-drugs/

AFA-28 [recorded 04/26/87] | The CIA, the Military & Drugs Part V - The CIA and LSD

Beginning with the CIA’s research into LSD as part of its investigation of mind control techniques, this broadcast highlights the profound role of the intelligence community in the dissemination of hallucinogens and the development of the recreational culture attached to their use.

The CIA and military experimented with the drug (LSD) in a variety of clinical and social environments.

The first of the LSD “evangelists” was not Timothy Leary, Ken Kesey or Aldous Huxley but a CIA (and former OSS) officer named Al “Cap” Hubbard.

In addition to producing psychotic and (in some cases) lethal results, this experimentation also served to infiltrate the drug into intellectual and popular culture. Writers Aldous Huxley, Ken Kesey and Allen Ginsberg were introduced to the drug (directly or indirectly) through the national security establishment’s LSD experimentation programs.

Timothy Leary’s early research into LSD was subsidized, to some extent, by the CIA. Later, Leary’s LSD proselytization was greatly aided by William Mellon Hitchcock, a member of the powerful Mellon family. The financing of the Mellon-Leary collaboration was effected through the Castle Bank, a Caribbean operation that was deeply involved in the laundering of CIA drug money.

After moving to the West Coast, Leary hooked up with a group of ex-surfers, the Brotherhood of Eternal Love. This group became the largest LSD synthesizing and distributing organization in the world. Their “chief chemist” was a curious individual named Ronald Hadley Stark. An enigmatic, multi-lingual and well-traveled individual, Stark worked for the CIA, and appears to have been with the agency when he was making the Brotherhood’s acid. The quality of his product projected the Brotherhood of Eternal Love into its leadership role in the LSD trade. Stark also operated in conjunction with the Italian intelligence/fascist milieu described in AFA #‘s 17–21.

The broadcast underscores the possibility that LSD and other hallucinogens may have been disseminated, in part, in order to diffuse the progressive political activism of the 1960’s.

Program Highlights Include: CIA director Allen Dulles’ promotion of psychological research by the Agency; the work of CIA physician Dr. Sidney Gottlieb for the Agency’s Technical Services Division; connections between Stark and the kidnapping and assassination of Italian Prime Minister Aldo Moro; Stark’s mysterious death in prison while awaiting trial; Leary’s connections to the milieu of the “left” CIA and the role those connections appear to have played in Leary’s flight from incarceration; the CIA’s intense interest in (and involvement with) the Haight-Ashbury scene of the 1960s.

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