Sonia Poulton & Ash Mahmood on The Abi Roberts Show - 16 February 2024

5 months ago

On today's show, Sonia Poulton discusses the impending TNT coverage on location at the Julian Assange hearing next week at the Royal Courts of Justice.

GUEST 1 OVERVIEW: Sonia Poulton is a TNT presenter, journalist, broadcaster, documentary filmmaker, and social commentator. She covers a broad spectrum of news from society and psychology to injustices and health. Fascinated by human interest stories, she is known for tackling the stories that mainstream media won’t – but should! With three decades of experience in mainstream media across TV, radio, print, and the internet, she believes her role is to 'speak truth to power' without fear or favor.

GUEST 2 OVERVIEW: Ash is an award-winning filmmaker, activist, and science teacher. At the start of the COVID tyranny, he launched a national social archive called Planet Uplift to give a voice to people who questioned the state narrative on the lockdown restrictions and those who suffered as a result of state tyranny.

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