Dave Emory | Anti-Fascist Archives #25 | The CIA, the Military & Drugs Part 2 of 5 (1986)

1 year ago

Dave Emory's five part series on the CIA and the global drug trade:

Find Part 1 Here: https://rumble.com/v4e2ryk-dave-emory-anti-fascist-archives-24-the-cia-

ORIGINAL: https://spitfirelist.com/anti-fascist-archives/rfa-24-28-the-cia-the-military-drugs/

AFA-25 [recorded 12/03/86] | The CIA, the Military & Drugs Part II

This program focuses on the relationship between the intelligence community and the arms-for-drugs trade. Relatively well publicized after the Iran-Contra scandal came to light, this relationship has existed for some time. The broadcast begins with discussion of the Nugan Hand Bank, a combined CIA and Naval Intelligence operation supervised under the jurisdiction of Task Force 157, and ONI subsidiary run by Edwin Wilson (see AFA‑4.) Deeply involved in the Southeast Asian drug traffic, the Bank also served as a funding source for covert operations, including the destabilization of the Australian Labor Party government of Gough Whitlam. The bank’s key officials consisted largely of former high-ranking U.S. military and intelligence officials.

Next, the program highlights the operations of Alberto Sicilia Falcon, a Cuban-American deeply involved in cross-border guns and drugs operations between the U.S. and Mexico. Apparently involved in the destabilization of the Echeverria government in Mexico, Falcon counted among his associates Sam “Mo-Mo” Giancana, the late Mafia boss of Chicago. His operations were conducted in conjunction with elements of the U.S. intelligence community.

The program then sets forth an apparent operation involving the Latin American drug traffic and a plan to manufacture the Ingram Mac 10 and Mac 11 machine pistols in Costa Rica. These weapons, manufactured by veteran covert operations veteran Mitch Wer Bell (nicknamed “the Wizard of Whispering Death”), were to be assembled for the use of Latin American death squads. The names of Florida Mafia Boss Santos Trafficante and fugitive financier Robert Vesco also crop up in connection with this scheme. Much of the program consists of a re-broadcast of a long section of AFA-20, dealing with one of the most important arms-for-drugs rings, the Stibam operation.
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