Not the Guns

1 year ago

The shooting just after the parade and rally for the Chief's SUper Bowl win predictably brought out the ususal calls for stricter gun laws, including by Biden and the local leftist propagandist KC Star. Areas with the strictest gun control laws have the most shootings, such as Chicago and Washington D.C.
There real reason for the shootings after the Chief's rally is largely LBJ's totally failed "War on Poverty" paying women more to have babies if the father didn't stick around. It decimated the family in the major cities. Most children grow up without fathers, and mothers who are often uncaring and incapable. These children aren't born bad, they just don't have a caring and capable family to grow up in. Especially young boys turn to gangs to get their familial needs met. Thus the major cities have become war zones.
The two juveniles arrested and charged for the murder and other shootings at thr Chief's rally are said to be African Americans, though their names and pictures haven't been released. I have zero doubt that these two juveniles are from a broken home. The broken family brought about by government welfare, diminished morals and the wide acceptance of legal abortion. Those three evils are the reasons for the shootings after ther Chief's rally, turning around those evils is the actual answer, not more gun control.

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