Burger Ball Bandit - Speaking of Being On The Radar Now - Stray Saga Continues

10 months ago

To be clear: 1. Except for no climate control in whatever den she has, this stray (name pending but got good suggestion; must adapt for now-suspected female) is having no trouble. 2. Visibly more fit than my fat pair. Simple example: Binx can hook several voles out of their holes, day or night, like popcorn. Also didn't note any rodent droppings in that chicken coop. 3. Left dry food at known site for her; this was for Mrs. Skunk (or Mr.).

Here: 3 burger balls I knew would freeze or maybe be ignored. Refs say skunks will defer going out if "under 30 degrees" ... however, that one evening I saw her in the back light the air temp was in the teens.

Cat Chow was in the mix. Bird seed from picking up wrong cup; meant to just put a little there (birds have elevated feeders). Something will find it. And includes whole peanuts.

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