A Cobra Attack has no Effect on a Mongoose

5 months ago

Cobra Attack has no Effect on a Mongoose

While the members of the genus Naja constitute the true cobras, the name cobra is also applied to these other genera and species:

The rinkhals, ringhals or ring-necked spitting cobra (Hemachatus haemachatus) so-called for its neck band as well as its habit of rearing upwards and producing a hood when threatened
The king cobra or hamadryad (Ophiophagus hannah)
The two species of tree cobras, Goldie's tree cobra (Pseudohaje goldii) and the black tree cobra (Pseudohaje nigra)
The two species of shield-nosed cobras, the Cape coral snake (Aspidelaps lubricus) and the shield-nosed cobra (Aspidelaps scutatus)
The two species of black desert cobras or desert black snakes, Walterinnesia aegyptia and Walterinnesia morgani, neither of which rears upwards and produces a hood when threatened p.65 
The eastern coral snake or American cobra (Micrurus fulvius), which also does not rear upwards and produce a hood when threatened

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