40 Days of 4VKM - Episode 38: Vincent Kennedy McMahon Returns

1 year ago

The entire scandal that Vincent Kennedy McMahon has been engulfed in, has been shown throughout WWE storylines for the last several years. Everything from who would take over for him (Triple H & Stephanie), who else would be in trouble with him (John Laurinitis) and even how it would go down. How do you know the Future? Control.

After faking his retirement and stepping down as CEO on June 17th, 2022, the wrestling world never thought they would see Vincent Kennedy McMahon again. As Vince was exiled, there was a parallel story being told of another leader who was exiled from office, President Donald J Trump. With the Brunson brother case at the Supreme Court held for hearing and a NEW Speaker of the House about to be named...many people speculated that President Trump would return to office on January 6th, 2023. Well President Trump didn't return that day... but Vincent Kennedy McMahon did.

This episode we go into detail on how Vincent Kennedy McMahon protected his interests to maintain control of his company no matter what and how he had safeguards in place to make sure a hostile takeover didn't happen. He returned to sell the company, and even though he recently had to resign from TKO Chairmanship, he still owns $1.7 Billion in $TKO stock... that's right $1.7 Billion!

Make sure you check out the original episode we are reviewing "The Boss is Back" at the link below

Don't forget to subscribe to the @4VKMPodcast channel which will be launching on 2/21/2024.

As always you can check out 4VKM.com to be able to watch all 4VKM episodes in order.

Enjoy the show!

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